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Lord/sorc on disk


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So while reading through the codex, trying to conjure up ideas for fun units to run, I read the entry on the steeds and how the disk of Tzeentch changes the unit type to jet bike, followed by the reference to the BRB. Following this little reference chain, I then read that the bike/jetbike rule is what gives a model +1 T, not the actual piece of wargear. Immediately, my thoughts started turning about a lord of Tzeentch on disk with lightning claws and sigil for a 3++ infantry munchy jetbike goodness! 


So the main question, did anyone else catch that entry about bikes/jetbikes? I'm 99% certain I'm reading it right about the bonus to toughness but I wanna know what others are thinking when they look at the rule entry. For quick reference, BRB pg 45 is the entry for bikes/jetbikes.

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It's one of the first things I noticed. At first, I was running a Sorcerer on disc. Now I'm going to try a Chaos Lord. I want to model either Raptors or Warp Talons as Disc Riders too. The Lord you mention would be fun in a overly expensive Tzeentch Warp Talons unit.


Another thing to consider with the Disc is giving the model Scrolls of Magnus. Now needing 6s to inflict a wound.


I was considering a Lord, Disc, Burning Brand with Raptors with 2 Flamers.


Also, could open a lot of options if the new Daemons codex allows for IC to join their units.

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I'd say go for it as I'm sure ksons had some jetbikes in the great crusade. Personally, I can't stand the disk of Tzeentch from the fantasy range and was going to convert my own out of 40 mm bases turned upside down. The whole modeling idea, and lord idea for that matter, came about as I was wondering what to put with my "disk riders" (chaos bikers on disks rather then bikes).

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...Miko, you could just wait for the new herald though...that disc looks a bit more "chaosy"...



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I'll have to see the model in person to make a judgement call on it. I'm not a fan of the fantasy sorc on disk model so I've been looking for alternative ideas to it (feel free to suggest stuff!) so I can make my group of disc riders.

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Not my cup of tea either. They look more like round hover/ surf boards- as in the riders are balancing on them rather than using them as a platform. I'd prefer a more static and larger disk, personally. The Egyptian blades are an interesting addition though, which range are they from?

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Not my cup of tea either. They look more like round hover/ surf boards- as in the riders are balancing on them rather than using them as a platform. I'd prefer a more static and larger disk, personally. The Egyptian blades are an interesting addition though, which range are they from?


Kromlech Khopesh Vibro Swords - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160569161533&ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:1123

Those are Dark Angel Chapter Upgrade bodies/legs - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat860013a&prodId=prod900140a


The helmets are obvious, and the shoulder pads are the old Thousand Son metal ones.  The body modifications are Greenstuffed, as are the mind bolt's shooting out of their hands.


The "bottle caps" are actually old Disks of Tzeentch, as found from - http://www.solegends.com/citcat19912/c20261rctzdiscs-02.htm


As for the positioning the feet have magnets in them so I can use the models either on the flying disk or as walking units.  As are the arms so I won't have to worry about future codex changes.

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I've been away from my Thousand Sons for far too long! Sorcerer on disc with scrolls of magnus sounds awesome! I am totally going to do this and definitely using the herald kit.

I run my sorcerer this way with a sword and axe, start with biomancy powers to keep his 2 wound censored.gif alive & put him in a biker or spawn unit. On the disc the scrolls need 6 to wound you which almost never happens so you just generate new powers, if it does wound then you have your reliable 3++. I cannot recommend him/this enough, he rarely dies and usually makes his insane 275 pt price tag back whist ending the game with 8-9 psychic powers. Most people call me crazy for running a 2 wound 275 pt HQ but hey, we carry the banner of change, we're already crazy & this combo is crazy fun.

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