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Musings on Mephiston Ravens and Rams

Drunken Angel

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First up I really do apologise for my poor recollection I have tried to mention what worked what did not and why. I  have only mentioned things that stuck in my mind and changed the game.


I entered an escalation tourney the previous week and then went into another 1850 tourney last weekend.


I took weird things and generally tried different combinations but kept my theme which is a fast army nothing moves less than 12 inches.



Meph 1 preist with axe.1 Baal. 2 attack bikes. 2 10 man RAS squads

At 1000 points I  played against a very competitve Nid list and an Elyssian guard list.

I lost the Baal early to a strike on back armour from the nid flyer and generally duffed some assaults I should have made.  It was a dissapointing game that I could have done better in I was tabled.

Meph is good but does not like shadow in the warp.


Against the Elyssian guard I did well and was on a 16 point win on 5th after killing everything on the board but there were 2 guard flyers left and one had a forgeworld punisher cannon which killed meph tabling me.  Another loss.


At 1500 I took Mephiston 1 priest with an axe 2 Attack Bikes a Baal with TLAC 2 RAS squads a vindicator and a  storm raven with TLAC and HB sponsons plus coms relay


I lost 2 games again first to an entrenched Chaos list that shot and another mirror image Ultras list that turtled and shot.


I was getting frustrated with getting my guys across the board losing one or two getting assault off losing one to overwatch then losing 2-4 in cc to my opponents 2-4.  assault troops just did not arrive in numbers and because they strike at the same time you end up with the defender having 5-7 models and you end up with 3-4.


I did not use my baal well enough nor work the bikes in with the raven properly nor did I use the vindicator to intimidate and change deployment.  It did not help I had second turn against the shooty lists.



At 2000 I had a completely different list, 2 ravens 1 Assault Ram, Mephiston 1 Priest 2 Attack Bikes and 30 Marines all the Sgts were tooled up with PF's or Axes and Storm shields


The next game I played a Blood Angel player who had a jumper list allied with GK inquistor inversion beamer and interceptors.  He took 1 raven with Dante SG RAS and devastators.   I tabled him with shooting and assault I never tank shocked but committed RAS to assaults on shot up squads.  This worked well with jumpers following Ravens and Rams.

The last game was agianst an Dark Eldar player with a venom spam list on purge the alien.

I loaded up the flyers with troops to deny shooting hide everything else at the back of the table, This was a hammer and anvil map I left the bikes out front to entertain him then brought the Ravens and Ram on in one turn the flyers moved down the table and that was the end of the game for him I never even got Meph out of his Raven nor the other 10 RAS in the RAM.  There were no tactics here it was deny the dark eldar their shooting then ram and shoot them back.  The ram trashed the icarus lascannon he had as soon as it got near it.  Its a rolling dice list and after being on the end of rolling dice all weekend I was happy to hand some back.  I came in the bottom five.


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