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Hopefully those are just bad pictures, otherwise there is nothing there that can't be made from pre-existing kits. For example the Herald of Nurgle does look nice but could be made from a plaguebearer....

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Hopefully those are just bad pictures, otherwise there is nothing there that can't be made from pre-existing kits. For example the Herald of Nurgle does look nice but could be made from a plaguebearer....

I said the same thing about the Dark Apostle model.


But, if you can make an exact or very near replica of the Herald with a Plaguebearer then I salute you.

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Hopefully those are just bad pictures, otherwise there is nothing there that can't be made from pre-existing kits. For example the Herald of Nurgle does look nice but could be made from a plaguebearer....

I said the same thing about the Dark Apostle model.


But, if you can make an exact or very near replica of the Herald with a Plaguebearer then I salute you.


Sounds like an enjoyable challenge!

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I wonder how they survive the flames , they arent flamer/melta immune and warp or not when your moving and firing a flamer class weapon the dudes in front of you burn .



The khorn herlad may look dynamic and people may like it , but two things will happen [well 3 actualy] . A finecast brrrr B hard to transport without snaping [x2 if he is finecast] C nice pose to be always spoted and be unable to hide terrain .

good model if someone wants to paint or need parts for converting.

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I wonder how they survive the flames , they arent flamer/melta immune and warp or not when your moving and firing a flamer class weapon the dudes in front of you burn .

The warp did it of course, and they live in it usually so it's just probably like taking a bath or something... tongue.png

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grr, overlooked this and just posted in liber maleficorum pinch.gif

I am undecided about the cannon of khorne, the rest looks fugly.

besides that, what are we to expect from that?

nurgle jetbikes, chariots, khorne vehicle with a blast weapon. no flyers, nor anything against them.

meanwhile, screamers and flamers will propably be nerfed to hell.

on another note, daemons loose EW and fearless, use the same :cussty 12 chaos psi-powers as CSM and may be deployed normally (so only 50% DS and loose 1st turn DS), while troops are marginally reduced in points (so still no hordes). battle brothers may join units now.

greater daemons will become more powerful (i.e. in melee only, paying premium point costs for it, while still dying from getting grounded and now even force weapons).

I am not looking forward to this...

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So far, I'm not impressed. The Khorne chariot/cannon/blood-throne just looks bloody ridiculous, like a 3d john Blanche drawing.


The herald of Slaanesh is wearing clothes and standing in a very static pose. They couldn't have modelled it with hair covering up certain areas?


None of the model scream "Your soul is mine, meat-bag!"

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Even if the models turn out to be better than the initial pictures, they're going to be F***cast as mentioned.


I fully expect flamers and screamers to be nerfed seven ways to Sunday. We can't have anything related to Tzeentch being good for long.

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I hope these are better in real life than the small pictures we're seeing. If so, then there may be some good conversion bits in there. If not, then it's no big deal since I don't have a daemon army or ally list.

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grr, overlooked this and just posted in liber maleficorum pinch.gif

I am undecided about the cannon of khorne, the rest looks fugly.

besides that, what are we to expect from that?

nurgle jetbikes, chariots, khorne vehicle with a blast weapon. no flyers, nor anything against them.

meanwhile, screamers and flamers will propably be nerfed to hell.

on another note, daemons loose EW and fearless, use the same :cussty 12 chaos psi-powers as CSM and may be deployed normally (so only 50% DS and loose 1st turn DS), while troops are marginally reduced in points (so still no hordes). battle brothers may join units now.

greater daemons will become more powerful (i.e. in melee only, paying premium point costs for it, while still dying from getting grounded and now even force weapons).

I am not looking forward to this...

Are these the current rumours or just speculation on your part?

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I might just be being horribly cynical, but I recon this is the deal on greater demons,


Release codex with old gd models, people buying the army buy the old models, gw profits.

Three months later, Gw release new plastic gds, and people buy the new ones at 50 quid a pop.


Then again, I'm cynical, and paranoid! ;)

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