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I'm going to be happy in 10 or so years time when the price of 3d scanning and printing has dropped to the point that the business model just completely falls out of the minis game market.  At that point decent rules will be all a company can sell, so whoever ends up with the IP after GW goes under will have to actually try to make a good game.


Actually, if new tech causes the bottom to drop out of the miniature selling business, then GW is probably the only company that could weather the storm.  They're the only ones I can think of who can make reasonable bank off of their IP in non-miniature related ways.  Between the video games, RPGs, and BL books, GW won't just sink.


@Nehekhare: Forget the SW, this was the guy who took the DE and made them interesting with the ability to slap together Kabal, Wych, or Haemonculus lists with themed units in each slot.  How he went from that to CSM and DoC is beyond me. 

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Malisteen, I take it you haven't read the demons book for fantasy yet then? Its bad.... Really bad, like units of a different god tithe general/bsb don't benefit from their inspiring presence/hold your ground.... I didn't like the new woc book, but this makes it look like a buff for woc.


Someone put on the comments on faeit this, it sums up both books perfectly "on every page is a picture of an unhappy geek, with'you lose' written underneath"

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Yeah I think he's just got a hate on for chaos. I'm sticking with 40k just because of the background and the ability to create your own armies and characters. There are alot of arguably better and easier games out there but how many of them allow you to create whatever kind of army you want with whatever flavor of characters? That said, now though I'm not really into the competitive part of this game anymore.


And how are people supposed to stop "trolling"? I mean seriously with a codex release like this??

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I'm going to be happy in 10 or so years time when the price of 3d scanning and printing has dropped to the point that the business model just completely falls out of the minis game market.  At that point decent rules will be all a company can sell, so whoever ends up with the IP after GW goes under will have to actually try to make a good game.


Actually, if new tech causes the bottom to drop out of the miniature selling business, then GW is probably the only company that could weather the storm.  They're the only ones I can think of who can make reasonable bank off of their IP in non-miniature related ways.  Between the video games, RPGs, and BL books, GW won't just sink.


@Nehekhare: Forget the SW, this was the guy who took the DE and made them interesting with the ability to slap together Kabal, Wych, or Haemonculus lists with themed units in each slot.  How he went from that to CSM and DoC is beyond me. 


GW has too much cost sunk into manufacturing capital to survive a shift to an environment where minis sales don't matter.

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Yeah I think he's just got a hate on for chaos. I'm sticking with 40k just because of the background and the ability to create your own armies and characters. There are alot of arguably better and easier games out there but how many of them allow you to create whatever kind of army you want with whatever flavor of characters? That said, now though I'm not really into the competitive part of this game anymore.


Except with 6th edition, and the daemon changes especially, you don't even have full control over the flavor of your characters.  Roll for warlord trait, roll for psyker powers, roll for daemonic gifts or whatever it's called... It's tough to build up a character when so much of what defines him is rolled for at the beginning of every game.

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GW has too much cost sunk into manufacturing capital to survive a shift to an environment where minis sales don't matter.

if you were an exec at GW or a senior employee [generaly someone who can actualy influence something] why would you care ? it wont happen in the next 5-6 years and in 10 years you could easily get a pension , you could even stay in the table top gaming industry doing your own projects or join a creative team of different company  [doesnt even have to be table top gaming] .

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I never said they would, or should even.  Just that it will happen sooner or later - sooner rather than later I'd expect - so there's really not a lot of motivation to try and cultivate a long term consumer base.  Even less so than there usually is for publicly traded corporations.

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long-range schemes

earthshaker cannons? count me in!


the guy who took the DE and made them interesting

Yeah I liked the idea, but the 6th ed. rules pretty much killed them. I hardly knew the new dex.


comments on faeit

best one I've read was the guy about the flamer/screamer nerfs: "I welcome the change, may start a pure tzeentch army now that they require skill and tactics" LOL. seriously. kicked in the balls? I welcome the change! May even start a family now that it bleeds so much...


btw, who was the "stop trolling"-troll? from warseer?

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Tzeentch got it so hard it makes no sense. In the traditional 4 gods hating each other, you'd think it would be a bloodbath, cept of course, Warpflame means that Tzeentch buffs Nurgle to ungodly powers.

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Who are you , I dont know you from here or other forums ?


btw, who was the "stop trolling"-troll? from warseer?

It is pretty easy to check I am here from 2009 and I debated with jeske over some issues. My point is that you and several other users already experessed their opinion pretty vocaly, multiple times. You dont need to express it another bazilion times without providing additional useful info and/or ridicule people who might hold other opinion than yours.

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Tzeentch got it so hard it makes no sense. In the traditional 4 gods hating each other, you'd think it would be a bloodbath, cept of course, Warpflame means that Tzeentch buffs Nurgle to ungodly powers.


Tzeentch took it hard because previously Tzeentch was godly powerful (as he should be). Flamers ignoring all armour were basically slaughtering all comers barring extreme cases of luck, so of course they have to be useless now.

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Until those not upset over the new chaos daemons codex become a majority, your argument over what is and is not constructive on this thread thread is moot. You, Raptor, are in the minority, cannot deem what is and isn't constructive. Venting, forus, is constructive.


Tzeentch got it so hard it makes no sense. In the traditional 4 gods hating each other, you'd think it would be a bloodbath, cept of course, Warpflame means that Tzeentch buffs Nurgle to ungodly powers.


Tzeentch took it hard because previously Tzeentch was godly powerful (as he should be). Flamers ignoring all armour were basically slaughtering all comers barring extreme cases of luck, so of course they have to be useless now.

And that justifies buffing enemy units? Riiiiiiiight.......

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I ask you who you are because I dont know you and I dont have to ridicule anyone , most people do it very well on their own . Saying that people who say the codex is bad [or worse makes no sense at all] are trolls is a very interesting idea . what do you draw it from ?

is it a good codex that makes sense , should we not be talking about the single options from the dex or should we be talking about it only in pms ?






And that justifies buffing enemy units? Riiiiiiiight.......

well I doubt they want another case of prefaq paladins=draigowings/oblits , so they nerf stuff that people bought in to the ground hard. I mean look at us we are still using oblits which probably says more about other hvy support options , then it does about oblits  , specialy considering that aside for the defiler all were buffed . Same with pms. IMO pms should have lost FnP [probably tyfus giving it to a unit he is with only] and oblits went not only cant use the same weapon per turn , but weapons used for squad are rolled for .

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Jeske you are missing a point by miles. I wonder how you inferred that I said that people who dont like codex are trolls. Civillised discussion wheter codex is not or bad is legit. But last 4 pages of topic has dissolved in inflammatory posts of 4 or so people trolling, whining, flaming and several cries of GW/Kelly sux!. I deem this highly inappropriate for this  forum.

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^ I don't think its in any doubt that its a bad dex rapator, and its damaging the number of armies we are gonna see around, which is another bad thing. You can disagree with our opinions and views, but calling us trolls isn't exactly constructive. But please, enlighten us as to how this is a good, well constructed dex/benefits 40k as a diverse system? All I see happening is necrons continuing to dominate competitive play, and now one of the armies that could beat it is likely to be not seen anymore.
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hmm what do I see . going over the khorn options . going over the AA options in the codex. general view on r kelly codex design this and prior editions . considering the future of GW and its sells policy . hmm non constructive trolling . flaming [for that to tbe true the codex had to be good] sorry I dont see ithe stuff you write Raptor.

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We've discussed the one decent (not even good) thing, the soulgrinder. We've tried discussing other things but.....nothing else is even decent. So why not rant? Out of my two largest armies, one is completely useless now while the other is only still standing because of hellturkies.


What I don't understand is nearly every codex has some list that makes it at least useable in fun games, like Nids have some decent "fun" options. This codex doesn't seem to have any, at least anything we've discovered yet from the first couple days of looking through it.

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yeah if it wasnt for the warp storm , you could just slap 64 letters some 2 DP 1 GD and maybe 2-3 fiends and you would have a casual army , but with warp storm your mono god is too dangerous . so you take 2x2x2 , 2-3fiends no DP[if they get grounded its like helping your opponent] 2-3 heralds and some stuff from the FA section maybe you even will go after 2 and cut the troops to 2x1x1 . But that means 2 things[well 3 but one isnt important for everyone] . your still getting owned by your own rules and being melee already means you have the random factor stacked against you . you have fiends and fiends only to deal with flyers , if they die you cant do a thing to them and the not important thing you are playing happy chaos family .

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I don't like hurting people, but I think Phil Kelly needs a punch right to the gut for this man. After he gave the Dark Eldar their awesome book, and Space Wolves their book, we got shafted.


Maybe just shout out "Hey Phil, you're a dick for screwing Chaos over!" and give him the finger or something.

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