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I like the Nurgle drones- such conversion potential! The wings looks so pretty!


I am sure the rules for daemons are going to be poor though, at least in comparison to what we have gotten used to.

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I want to know where the censored.gif greater daemon sculpts are at... unless I'm missing something.

GDs will no longer be in the codex. The new GKs hunted them to extinction.

Hahahahahahhahah. Well played.

The photographers did a crummy job. I hope they will look better at different angles.

My wallet is thankful for the lack of greater demons.

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My thoughts:


Slaanesh herald :  D- ; Unimpressive sculpt.  I'll keep using my four-armed-snake-lady piece (De'Chala?) 

Nurgle Flies:  B ; about what i expected.  coulda been cooler but will probably paint up nicely.

Tz herald Chariot: C+/B- ; It'll do, just not with flair. 

Blood Throne:  D+/C- ; Would've preferred that it were pulled by juggs or some impressive monster.   Fluff be damned.

Nurgle herald: B ;  similiar enough to the squads for unified look but different enough to stand out.  Does it's job well enough.

Khorne herald: B :  as above.

Burning Chariot:  D ; Ok, I don't hate the "idea", but this looks like a bad set piece from Finding Nemo on ice.  Maybe with a different paint job...

Skull Cannon:  D+/C- ;  What's with the tiny cannon?  The CANNON is the focus of the model and it looks like one guy should be lugging it around.  I'd almost rather just paint the Ogre Kingdoms ironblaster red than field this.  I'm not even sure a skull could pass through the barrell of that cannon.  Now, it may be that the rules on it suck so bad that they couldnt justify a bigger cannon (like ord1 S3 AP4 Soulfire Blast). That thing's a swivel gun not a cannon!




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phil kelly writing the demons dex and mat ward writing the fantasy armybook

So Kelly nerfs daemons down into a bland "balanced" codex like CSM and Ward does the same in fantasy to atone for overpowering the last one, while Kelly is so disinterested in chaos fluff that he bases his writing on Ward's "creative" ideas? ugh, in for a treat...


Then again, is there a designer left we would trust in this day and age?

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The Nurgle flies look good, their riders OTOH just look tacked on.  The whole model line is just kind of meh.  The wheels on the Khorne mobiles look too small and I'm not sure what's up with everyone sticking their tongue out.  It looks good on a few models, but an entire army like that would be goofy.


I think I'd trust Kelly on DE or Eldar.  I really thought that he would have done a better job on CSM, sigh. 

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I trust Andy & Jervis, who wrote my favorite chaos codex...

you liked the chaos jervis dex ? not even GW liked the chaos jervis dex.

It had lots of charm and I have good memories playing it! I don't care that you think it stinks, it's what I played in 2nd ed and I liked it!

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oh, btw: http://bloodofkittens.com/blog/2013/02/21/rumor-it-plague-drone-stats/


notice the special rules?




"demonic instability": cc suckage is back

"deep strike": no more daemonic assault

"daemon of nurgle": C&P from C:CSM

*not fearless*



I think they try to make huge leadership issues out of nowhere for non loyalists armies just to make loyalists "awesome".

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Making daemons have inbuilt weaknesses like instablity and then nerfing them by removing fearless and EW is a load of crap. GKs already get lots of specific daemon-killing abilities, and the daemons have some of their few inherent strengths removed compeletely? Geez. Remind me not to shell out 50-60 quid for the new dex when it arrives.

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