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aaand here's your newest news ticker, get your random kicks at 6:  http://natfka.blogspot.de/2013/02/daemon-information-random-powers.html


burning chariot of tzeentch: "it can fire a brutal torrent of flames
that chews through power armor with ease, or a series of high

sounds familiar? sadly, also mentioned to be "really fragile"


on another note, "locus" is latin for "place" and also means "toilet" here in germany..."locus of fecundity", "exalted locus of conjuration" LOL


Soul Grinder of tzeentch with iron claw and phlegm bombardment...hmmm


"The Warp Storm table was nerve-wracking, too - you never knew what you were going to get - I kept hoping you'd roll a double-1 and wiped out your own army" ...yay randomness

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I think in terms of rules it's important to avoid getting negative before we've seen the full codex and what Daemonic instability is; most likely IMO it'll be like old instability (cos y'know, Kelly doesn't bother writing new rules, he just rehashes old dumps these days) where if they fail a Ld test instead of running they lose more models; or it could be something with Psychic powers, which would be stupid. Doesn't look like they get any form of Transport which would be mental if they have to footslog the entire board (Could you imagine a MechIG laughing as he bombards the 6" moving infantry being blown to bits by Ordinance). Lets just hope Kelly hasn't cacked it up.


Dammit.... I didn't take my own advice.

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So we heard you like flamers , so we put flamers on your flamers.



WHFB Daemons from the Storm of Chaos era used to have Flamers riding Discs of Tzeentch, I think they were called Changebringers. Not suprised that they brought them back in a slightly different form.

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I'm pretty sure those are actually curly kale flames.


Seriously though ahaha those chariots are the most awful minis I've seen in at least a decade. My god. The paintjobs they've done on them just add to the overall tragedy - look at those hellblades in the closeups. Then you click back and remember what they're attatched to, and

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Okay from what i got out of the WD.


-DP's are back in HQ slots, yes its bad for peeps who had a chaoszilla army, but remember, 2000+pts, double FoC.

-While Deamons got cheaper and lost a few of their rules, The Heralds act has Wolf Guards, a good chunk of their Locis gives them special rules to them and their unit they joined, so in the Batrep, The Nurgle Herald with the Loci of fecundity gave FnP to his Unit.

-There is 3 lvl of Locis, Minor, Major and Exalted, some of them gives definite rules and abilities, while others make you roll on a chart similar to the CSM Chaos Boons.

-The Whole army has lost the Deamonic Assault rule, all deamons till have Deep Strike, but you arn't obligated to do it.

-There is a new army-rule though, Warp Tempest, wich basically are the effects of the Warp anomaly that permits the Deamons to stay in the material World, of what i could make out of it, each shooting phase you roll 2D6, there is various effects, in the Batrep Adam torke got a +1 to all the deamons invul save, and apparently Matt hoped that he got a snake eyes, so that his whole army would crumble( mass murder of the whole army?, or simply a Deamonic Instability test for everyone?)

-While Deamons arn't Fearless anymore, they are again Subject to the Deamonic Instability test as in the old 3.5 Chaos Dex, lose a combat, make a LD test, the difference is the Wounds the unit/model takes.

-there seems to be a way to have Skyfire on the Soulgrinder, in the Batrep, the soulgrinder was in Skyfire mode and shot at the Stormtalons.

-Soulgrinders can be Marked, still no clue to what those marks offers the Soulgrinder.

-Khorne Skull canon is a Chariot(apparently), with a BS5 S8 Ap4 36" Big blast canon, its a Heavy support.

-The Dp in the Batrep used an Item called Portalglyph, it puts a token on the table wich make minimal sized random units of deamons appear on a 4+ each turn.

-Apparently Tzeentch Horros have a Mastery lvl dependng on how many models the unit counts, its maybe a thing like for every 5 models you get a Mastery lvl, not sure about that at the moment.

-Icons still helps for DS deviation.

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So with daemonic assault gone imperial space marines are the only ones to have a null-deployment option (drop pod/deathwing assault).

yay, thanks for fixing that, GW! wallbash.gif

more and more it becomes clear to me that all that is left of this game is big units of traitors/daemons/heretics/xenos running mindlessly into loyalist bolter fire. sad.

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Eh, I was planning on allying in horrors and a GToT anyway. ^^ (just as soon as I get around to actually stripping and rebuilding the old crow from scratch, anyway... yay for horrendously fitting metal models painted when I was ten!)
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After seeing the models in 360 view on the website, my opinion on most of them has improved considerably.  I actually think the khorne cannon & throne look pretty awesome, and the tzeentch herald charriot, and the khorne herald.   The flies look good, imo, though the plaguebearers riding them were just stuck on top in a really lazy and static manner, so if I ever got a unit of them, I'd feel compelled to re-pose the riders.  The rest I neither especially like nor really dislike.  Certainly there's no new models here that I like as much as I liked the raptor models, but nothing I dislike as much as the mutilators, either.


But none of that matters if the rules are terrible.  I have to say, I really don't like the charriot rules in 40k right now, so it doesn't matter how nice they make the models, I'll probably pass on them just like I passed on the daemonette charriot - which I also thought looked nice.  Then again, the Tzeentch charriots may not even need to be good - looks like you could reasonably get two screamers, a flamer, a herald, and a disk (either for the herald or a CSM character) out of that box, which seems to justify the cost for it already.


I'm concerned about the daemons overall - particularly since it looks to me like flamers are dropping to AP3.   Depending on what happens to screamers, I'm not sure they'll have any good options for tackling terminators, which is what I wanted to ally in daemons fo do in the first place.  We'll see.  I was sorely dissappointed in Kelly's CSM dex, but I've liked several of his books before, and GW in general was still snakebit over 3.5 (once bitten, twice shy), so maybe he'll do better the second time around.  I wouldn't say I'm optimistic, but I will say I'm keeping an eye on this.  My friends have started up warmachine, and my disappointment with the CSM book has had me leaning cryxward, but a strong (by which I mean fun, interesting, diverse, and well balanced) daemons book could bring me back.

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All I want is awesome looking greater daemons, preferably not in finecast.


Finecast Lords of change are utterely painful! They stand on a leg and gravity easily forces the "suspended" part of the model to ground with ease due the minimal weight of finecast itself. I have two of them and each of their "suspended" legs now rests on a servo-skull markers from the limited edition 6th dices since they day I bought them. And it was few weeks after the release of 6th edition!


I fully understand your desire for new greater daemons ;)

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Eh, I ordered both the dex and the army book for fantasy today, hopefully they won't be too bad, if its yet more fail, I may very well stop updating my armies, and head towards taking a break from the hobby. Maybe go back to roleplaying for a few years, I'm hoping they will be good, but the quality of the last three armybook/dex releases from Gw have bluntly been awful.
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