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Our friends from the warp


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From someone that has the German version of the dex and translated (so there is some inaccuracies) from BoLS.


The old placement of the army is gone.

No flyers, but flying MCs.

Demons belong to a god and have hatred to demons of an opposing god.
Furthermore a Slaanesh Herald for example can't joint nurgle demons.

Khorne: Furios charge, HoW with chariot is S7

Tzeentch: +3 on Ld for casting PSI, reroll of failded inv. saves of 1

Nurgle: Shrouded, slow (don't remember the english rule name), every
unit consisting just of Nurgle Demons counts equiped with defence

Slaanesh: Rending and fleet, Slaanesh-only unit runs D6+3". Slaanesh
cavallerie runs 6" more. Vehicles (no walker) move 3" more in the
shooting phase.

Demonic Instability

Units with these rule can't be joined by a model without these role.
Unit pass every Ld., pinning or fear test. If the demons are loosing a
CC they must test with 2D6. The difference between mod. Ld and dice roll
is the number of additional wounds without saves!

Double 1: Every lost wound in this phase is restored. Every removed model comes back.

Double 6: Remove the whole unit.


1) Every CC weapon of the warlord gains instant death.

2)Warlord and unit has hatred against everyone

3) As long as the WL is alive every enemy gets -1 for fear tests

4) Friendly units choosen from these codex in 12" of the WL can reroll failed demonic instability tests

5) As long as the WL is alive you can reroll every roll on the warpfire table

6) As long as the WL was on the table at the beginning of the turn,
every unit with the rule demon (including from Codex: Chaos) coming via
deepstrike won't scatter if the first model is placed in 6" of the WL

Warpstorm chart

Is only active when demons are the main army. Role 2D6 at the beginn of the demon shooting phase and apply the result.

2) Every unit with demonic inst. (friend and foe) has to test for it

3) Choose randomly one character with demonic inst. rule. Test with 3D6. Wounds can only applied to the character.

4) Every unit with demon gets -1 for inv. saves until next roll on the table

5) Roll 1D6 for every unit not in CC which contains at least one model
with the sign(?) of nurgle or demon of nurgle. If you roll a six place
the 5" template on the model of the unit and scatter as normal. S4 AP5
for friend and foe, ignores cover.

6) Like Nr. 5 just for Tzeentch. D6 hits with S4 AP3. Ingores cover, poison (4+), vehicles get a hit at side armour.

7) Nothing happens.

8) Roll one D6 for every Khorne unit or enemy unit not in CC. On a six -
D6 hits with S6 AP-. Ignores cover and rending, vehicles get a hit on
the side armour.

9) Roll one D6 for every Slaanesh unit or enemy unit not in CC. On a six
- place 3" template. Every unit (friend and foe) gets one hit for every
model with S8 AP 3. Count as barrage weapon.

10) Every demon gets +1 on the inv. save.

11) Choose random one enemy Psyker (no vehicle, no demon, must be on the
table). Has to take Ld test with 3D6, if he fails, he will be removed.
Place a new herald of your choice without upgrades within 6". Not
allowed to charge.

12) Place instantly a new unit with 2D6+3 demons (Bloodletters, pink
horrors, demonettes or plague bearers, your choice) via deep strike,

Demons have 6+ armour, some have better saves (blood demon has 3+).

Blood demon no eternal warrior. The skulltaker(?) has eternal warrior
and 3+ armour. Skarbrand and Karanak don't have eternal warrior. Lord of
Change is Mastery Lv. 2 (divination and change(?)) and flying MC.

11 to15 pink horrors generate two warppoints, 16 to 20 horrors three
warppoints. Kairos has a 4+ inv. save. Each of Kairos heads is a Lv. 4
Psyker. Both heads knew every change spell. In addition gains the right
head on power from pyro and one divination. Left head - one pyro and one
telepathy. Have to decide which head you use these turn. Can reroll one
D6 every player turn (even from 2D6 or 3D6).

The blue Tzeentch demons are no psykers, but can use one power from the rulebook rolled with the dice without psy test.

Changeling in basecontact can replace one his stats (WS, S, T, I and/ or A) with one the enemy.

Big plague demon has mastery lv. 1 and plague and biomanty.

Nurgle slime beast can charge in the enemy phase! Ku'Gath can give wounds back to Nurgle Swarms.

Epidemus and his special rule

Count every unsaved wound caused by a demon of nurgle (friend and foe).
Count even lost wounds saved by fnp or reanimation protocolls. Every
Nurgle unit in 6" of Epidemus gains following bonus (cumulative)

7+: +1 strength

14+: +1 toughness

21+: poison (2+)

28+: fnp (4+)

Keeper of secrets has prefered enemy Eldar/ Dark Eldar. Mastery Lv. 1 telepathy and Slaanesh party lore.

The mask can reroll every failed inv. save. Has different dance.

There are chaos furies (maybe chaos harpyies in english).

Flame weapon of tzeentch - SR warpflame. At the end of every phase a
unit with an unsaved wound caused by it has to make a Toughness test.
Fail - D3 more hits withour armour or cover, passed - gains fnp 6+. If
the unit has already fnp it be better by +1.

A unit hit by a skullcannon can be charged withount Ini loss caused by difficult terrain.

Axe of Khorne: Instant death by a to wound roll of 6.

Mutated warpsword (Tzeentch) If the bearer kills an enemy Character or MC roll a D6. On a +2 it be replaced with a chaos spawn.

Warp...(Tzeentch): A character or MC killed by the staff of change will explode. Every unit in D6" will gain D6 S5 AP- hits.

Plagueweapon: Models with one unsaved wound caused by these weapon have
to pass a Toughness test or will loose another wound (no armour or

Sword (Slaanesh). Like plagueweapon, but with Ini test.

A lot of characters don't buy equiment. They buy gifts in three
different levels for points. What exacly these gifts are will be choosen
random (D6). Roll at the same time as for the Warlord trait. One model
can't have a gift twice (reroll), but you can have a gift more than one
time in your army. You can replace one of the gifts with the 0. You gain
a weapon or artefact for it (just one example given in the german text -
Blade with Ap2, mastercrafted and special weapon).

Skarbrand or Blood Demon make demon princes of Khorne to Heavy Support instead of HQ.

Kairos and Lord of Change do the same for Tzeentch.

Ku'Gath and Big Nurgle demon for Nurgle.

Lord of Secrets does it for Slaanesh.

Damonprince 145 points, has to choose one god:

Khorne 15p.

Tzeentch 25p.

Nurgle 15p.

Slaanesh 10p.

Can be a flying MC for 40 points.

Up to 50 points for gifts (Lv. 1 gift 10p. Lv. 2 20p. Lv. 3 30).

Demon Prince not can be a psyker (not Khorne)

Mastery Lv. 1 25p.

Lv. 2 50p.

Lv. 3 75p.

Heralds counts only as a half HQ choice. They have special presences. which can be upgraded and give the unit a bonus.

Icons can be upgraded for unique effects and instruments can get more
units out of reserve and give you rerolls on the warpstorm table.



Seems interesting, but still no CSM IC's who can join Deamons units...

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If a Daemon Character cannot join it's battlebrother unit (y'know CSM and that's it) then it;s the stupidest thing I've ever heard and completely undermines the Allies system.


No mention if the Daemon Prince HQ's actually have T4

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Don't get me wrong, I'm grumpy too, but I think there's enough to be grumpy about without imagining things, Jeske.

but didnt JJ  himself once said that the game is not in its rules [game mechanics he called them] , but in the imagination of people playing it ?



On the other hand the WFB demon dex is delicious .

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Das wird wirklich immer besser msn-wink.gif

comparing these to the leaked fantasy pages, the resemblance is striking: cooperative design or rumor transfer?

Either way, if the warpstorm table doesn't offend even the optimists, nothing will. This codex is dead on arrival.

Let's hope we can salvage some blossoms at least (allied daemons ignore the table), but synergy isn't existant in the rumors atm - epidemius combo is gone, ICs still can't join (instability). Maybe GD + Troops + DP (HS with a GD?) if the price is right.

otherwise it looks like SW+IG is the new chaos (if I decide to bother with this game anymore that is)...

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Odds are that unlocking Princes as heavy support will only work if the daemons are your primary detachment, just like with all the other FoC unlocks.


>> Good job my daemon component is just Amon and a squad of Horrors really.

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I mean... Honestly?  An army-wide random chart that's largely negative?  Still can't join with our battlebrothers?  No scatter mitigation outside of a 1/6 warlord trait?  Random roll for character equipment?  This can't be real.  Or if it is... I'm just done.  Just 100% done with 40k.  Because you know what?


You gotta draw the line somewhere.

You gotta draw that line in the sand.

You have to look inside yourself and say,

What am I willing to put up with today?

Not this.

No, not this.

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I mean... Honestly?  An army-wide random chart that's largely negative?  Still can't join with our battlebrothers?  No scatter mitigation outside of a 1/6 warlord trait?  Random roll for character equipment?  This can't be real.  Or if it is... I'm just done.  Just 100% done with 40k.  Because you know what?


You gotta draw the line somewhere.

You gotta draw that line in the sand.

You have to look inside yourself and say,

What am I willing to put up with today?

Not this.

No, not this.

Or you can just play Sphess Mehreen and reduce chance of getting W40K brain cancer.


Or you can try to hypnotize yourself into thinking: winning isn't everything, and codex has "tons of options".

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An army-wide random chart that's largely negative?


Yeah, that's a big slice of stupid, right there. The psyker powers and boons are one thing, but any kind of regular chance to randomly table yourself is unacceptable, even if it's not high. The average role should be the "nothing happens" result, but it's not even a 50/50 good/bad balance otherwise.

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So the question is: who is the poor sap willing to buy this codex once it drops, so that everyone on here can confirm what has been said? Frankly, the price is too high for the possibility of.....this crap.... leak anyone? LMAO

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Stuff this negatively I will play chaos no matter what, why I am a filthy heretic damned for eternity I play for the glory of chaos. Besides I will wait until I have the the actual codex in my hands sure there are leaked pages of the codex released but the same was said about CSM but I believe it's a pretty good codex


Anyway I choose to be naive to maintain my unshakeable faith in Chaos so there.



Besides........ I WANT THOSE NURGLE FLIES!!!

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Yeah, I read these rumours, and wanted to open my wd, find the pic of Phil kelly and repeatedly punch it. I didn't, cos I'm supposed to be an adult........


If things are this bad really, gw have just lost a customer, enough is enough, I'm under no illusions about stopping giving them money achieving anything.... But still...

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Punching just because the demons are how they are , uncalled man , uncalled . But  if let say saw the eldar dex and suddenly 80pts vypers were switching from flyer to skimer mode and back within a single turn and then you would flip the dex in anger and it would open up on hvy support and to your horror you would notice that falcons can do the same [enter as flyer ,  switch to hover deploy stuff , switch back to flyer all within 1 turn but all shoting is snap fire , which wouldnt be a problem if eldar didnt have pulse psychic powers which makes snap fire +5 and an upgrade which lets you re-roll misses for tanks ,  and all of this costs you 195pts for a scater laser/RL +cannon falcon] , then you may be excussed .




Na ja die GW Jungs solten wirklich einen bessern platz finden um ihre WD/Codex zu drucken.

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Faeit has some confirmed stuff now, go have a look. Currently reading so will edit this post in a bit with reaction:


Despite the title on Faeit, it's not 40k it's all Warhammer. But looking at the Warhammer table for Reign of Chaos, it's not good, in fact it's terrible. I thought it was "Each unit with mark of X and every friendly unit" but it's not. It's only Daemon units. So most of the table is really bad for the Daemons despite their titles implying that'd it would be good (Seriously, "Rot, Glorious Rot" is a title they use to hurt Nurgle Daemons?!?!)


The images do suggest though that the rumours leaked are most likely the Warhammer ones, unless they're both essentially the same, which it could be.

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I mean... Honestly?  An army-wide random chart that's largely negative?  Still can't join with our battlebrothers?  No scatter mitigation outside of a 1/6 warlord trait?  Random roll for character equipment?  This can't be real.  Or if it is... I'm just done.  Just 100% done with 40k.  Because you know what?


You gotta draw the line somewhere.

You gotta draw that line in the sand.

You have to look inside yourself and say,

What am I willing to put up with today?

Not this.

No, not this.


Ok, i'm a believer now. New daemons make me sad. :(

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another rules dump, this time it's troops points costs, psychic powers, gifts and artifacts: http://natfka.blogspot.de/2013/02/daemonic-psychic-powers-gifts-and.html


troops seem to be mostly <10pts, but nerfed statwise (bearers T4, letters T3).


psychic powers: nurgle is actually good. slaanesh bad. tzeentch not only bad, but warpflame rule may even grant FnP to the enemy.


gifts: basic AP2 master-crafted CC weapon without unwieldy (good), all god-specific weapons crap. greater gifts seem better than exalted.


artifacts: portalglyph is AV12/HP1, scatters 4d6, spawns 1d6 troop models on 4+ (total crap). don't understand the other ones.


tidbits: slain horrors produce blue horror markers (S2 hit at I1)

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Lordy.  At least the characters get AP2 at initiative?  They're still going to need to get lucky to even have a chance to swing against enemy characters in cover, and even with AP2 at init they're still going to be out-dueled by the standard 2+/3++ loyalist marine characters.  But you can't just skip them, because your obligatory troops suck without them.  Ok, suck more without them.


I just...

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those times when letters had regneration and where standing up from the dead . good times.


At least the characters get AP2 at initiative?

as long as there is no cover and they are a MC yes.

Ah and I would like to point out something people may have forgot , that way way back in time when , when we were beating the K-dex to a bloody meat pulp , there was a dude who had the idea about giving tzeench warp tokens to trade it for buffs , changes for 1ksons . Prophet or what ?

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