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I thought the heralds could take the gift upgrades, the lowest level of which can be automatically traded for an AP2 at init mastercrafted specialist weapon.  At least according to the rumors that seems to be the case.

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S:user/AP2/master-crafted/specialist weapon is the "primaris" result of the basic gifts, so everyone can change his roll against it. Daemons of x may take one of the god-specific weapons instead, which are all crap (tzeentch hits himself when it kills something lol).


It's so bad it is funny. I strongly advise all you to have a look at the GK forum to put everything into perspective - people are actually preparing there for the coming overpoweredness of the new daemons!

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It's like, how much more black random could this be? and the answer is none. None more black random.


The things about two FAQs away from using a RNG to build your entire army list.  Plus the warprift table, or whatever they're calling it, has a good chance of punching your army in the junk every turn.  Every daemon game is going to have an additional phase, the 'Daemons Doing Random Crap' phase.  An additional time suck involving insane amounts of dice rolling is just what the game needs.

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I suppose simply ignoring this iteration of the rules is out of the question, and I have to buy an overpriced, badly written book with rules that I won't like or use. Screw GW.

Any of you guys remember back when we were discussing codex creep and how terrible it was? Well, now it looks like we are facing a power recession, and it sucks- the best armies are the 5th ed ones or the armies that can ally easily with them (cough IG battle brothers, cough). Heck, most of the changes csms received were nerfs or lolrandom uslessness. It is only by the gace of the Dark Gods that we got the helldrake.

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The khorne specific weapon seems ok.  trades master crafted for instant kill on 6 to wound, still AP2 at init?


And some of the fast stuff seems alright.  And Lord of Change is pretty killy with the staff, given the automatic AP2 as a Monstrous Creature.  And they can take a lot of FMCs.


I don't know, there might be something salvageable out of all this, but from where I'm sitting right now it won't be easy and it won't be pretty and it won't be fun and I don't feel incredibly keen to bother myself with trying.

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but khorn sucks out of the book , troops are low grade , crushers cost too much and its not like your going to run a naked t4 dude alone . 


I wonder  if the lord of C hits himself with the staff does it keep the special rules he has[so If he lets say smashes with the staff , it smashes back 9 times for each dude hit with the staff etc].

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Dayum. Still glad I only have four (4) daemon models (daemon Prince, box of screamers) and never put hope into this turd. I only have 1 heldrake too, so whenever they decide to nerf it I won't be as "hard hit" as other guys.


Still like the little manta ray bastards, "MANA RAY, I CHOOSE YOU!!!!"




I may be mistaken, but I'd read that the Tzeentch weapon was AP2 and when it killed an enemy character or Monstrous creature replaced the enemy Character/MC with a Spawn on a 2+. The new "Turn Kyle into a Chicken" spell as it were. That sounds pretty cool in my opinion, given how Spawn are pretty useful now-but take up a FOC (unfortunately...)

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Haha, in a very sarcastic way, this is one of the funniest releases ever.


btw, get all your rumors here, directly from the source: http://fundaemons.blogspot.de/


on 4chan, they call for players to defectate into their daemon boxes and send them back to kelly (":cuss for kelly"): http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/23409931


Stelek from YTTH declares GW to have "jumped the shark" with 6th ed. and asks what you are prepared to do when player acceptance finally ends: http://yesthetruthhurts.com/2013/02/what-are-you-prepared-to-do/


Beasts of War just ignores the codex release and does MERCs week instead, which also is a statement. I will be delighted when they finally spare a video to analyze the effectivity of the new units.


Meanwhile, loyalist SMs of all variations finally recieve justification for the percieved rightfulness of any nerfs to anything that has the audacity not to die in bolterfire and could call it fine and balanced all day long and twice on sundays. Rumor has it that some GK players even get out their Captain Sterns to meet the feared overpoweredness of the new daemon menace! But will there be any daemon players left to play for them when the codex hits?


vive la revolution!

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He also wrote IG, which is considered as very powerful codex.


Tyrannid codex on the other hand... I don't know.


Both authors did manage to shove in useless options in their codices. (e.g. pyrovores and mutilators).

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so we had a good[necron] meh [chaos] good[DA] meh[chaos] , imo next should be eldar and they should be good .

Or they will be nerfed so bad it's not funny it is GW, after all who knows what they will do next they might just hate elder this edition like Chaos

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Having had a good read through the rumours now I'm starting to feel a little better about this codex. It looks like a total redesign. Some things are rubbish and it's far too random but there are a couple of things that stick out for horrible combos if they work as the translation suggests:
Khorne can have quite horrible combination, and if it tallies would be nasty as hell. with 20 Letters costing about 220 with a couple of upgrades to stop them scattering and allowing others to not roll for reserves. In theory you could zerg rush Bloodcrushers and Heralds first turn. Then DS a letter unit on their Icon, then use the letters ability to bring one in with them to DS another onto their icon (to avoid Bunching) and then use that 2nd unit to DS another without reserve again onto their icon that's 60 Bloodletters right in the faces of MEQ, all with AP, I'd be worried in the MEQ's position.

Seekers seem cheap as well. with Daemonettes less than 10pts per and seekers being 8 points cheaper than a CSM bike for Cavelry, running faster than the average cavelry.


I'm still hacked off I can't put a herald with my Marines.

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I'd be impressed if you get 60 25mm bases within 6" of anything.


In addition to that, the daemonbomb depends on a lot of (snipable) icons and, more importantly, mono-god armies.


Seems to me that, instead of encouraging fluffy armies by creating a diverse range of viable unit choices, kelly chose to generally punish everything with disadvantageous random tables and then allowed mono-god options for some mitigation (instruments).


As each of the god-specific options still do not offer enough variation to build a viable army on their own and daemons ignore the warpstorm-table when taken as allies, it quickly becomes apparent how this codex is meant to be played.


Still, the lack of synergy with C:CSM is distasteful, especially considering that, even for double the price, neither of both consititute a complete army list.  

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