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Nehekare you misunderstand what I meant I think. Only 1 unit of 20 would be in 6 of the main unit, the next unit would auto ds in 6 of the first ds unit, then the third unit would use thesecond as an icon using the buddy ds rule as well. using those rules so it would not be 6 inches for 60 it would be 18. That of course depends on of out can be domino'd
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oh you dont want to go mono god with this dex. I mean this is unhappy chaos family trying to be happy .

But speaking of






with 20 Letters costing about 220 with a couple of upgrades to stop them scattering and allowing others to not roll for reserves

ok let say you will never roll bad on the warp storm table . what your looking at here is an orc melee list in revers. t3 is HUGE in being bad . you pay 220 for 20 dudes ? awesome , you will have to take something very fast moving with them or else they will not be many left to do the charging . and those fast things , they have to be tough , because again t4 isnt good in w40k , it is the basic stat one has . and everything here is melee , so no counter to flyers .loling at the 200+av12 walker without interceptor and god help demons , if they ever get to play against a list that can both do melee and shoting on a table which isnt a lava board .

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grinder keeps AV13 and is 150 with only the AA-gun and a mark I think. Upgrades include a S6AP4 torrent flamer, a DCCW and both of the old ones. 200pts is realistic to be effective, though.  


I'm a bit sceptical about the mono-god "chain-bomb", I think that is ruled out by the icon having to be on the table at the beginning of the turn or something.


Alltogether, mono-god is not a good list, non-mono-god gets punished by lolrandomtable. GD/mintroops/SG might work as allies. Best option may be not to play daemons at all.

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I had a quick glance through on my break, and I must say I'm intrigued.... I think you would want to limit yourself to one or two gods units, to limit the potential for the warpstorm to bite you..... And I think tzeentch (other than prescience heralds) is probably dead.... Nearly everything has warpflame, which sucks...


Oh screamers sacrifice all their attacks to make 1 s5 ap2 bite per model now.....


That's just very early impressions, but I want to try running an army with this book.

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^ eric, that's not a rumour, I have the book in front of me at work. Lampreys bite, a screamer can substitute all its normal attacks for a single attack with the following profile (box with s5 ap2 melee armourbane)


As written, a soulgrinder of nurgle gets defensive grenades, though I'm willing to bet that gets erratad...

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Screamers don't seem too bad, just from their ability to trade attacks; it means you'd have to take a medium/ decent sized unit, but if they have armour bane then they have a definite purpose. As Allies I'd rather they have more AP2 attacks and lost armour bane, but it seems Daemons need the anti-vehicle help.

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This is very first impressions (I have only had about half an hour of reading it) but nurgle and slaanesh look strong(ish) khorne isn't great and tzeentch is boned... Mono or dual gods looks best. People are gonna hate facing demons, as you are gonna have hordes of models, and almost a whole other phase for all the random dice rolls....


And yeah, I got lucky, walked into my lgs half an hour after he had the delivery... Just popped in on the offchance.

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grinder keeps AV13 and is 150 with only the AA-gun and a mark I

think. Upgrades include a S6AP4 torrent flamer, a DCCW and both of the

old ones. 200pts is realistic to be effective, though.

yes . ma bad about the av12 . still no interceptor means he waits 2 turn minimum to us his gun . thats why a naked AA gun sucks and the high cost multi task version costs too much . I mean we wouldnt buy a 200 predator , if it could get str 7 flakk. 

although I must say that the fact it shots 3 times is nice .



Lol. Ok. I still need to get mine. What's your initial thoughts? Monogod lists get a boost?

nekh is right => , mono-god is not a good list, non-mono-god gets punished by lolrandomtable. which means bad and bad and random .




as you are gonna have hordes of models, and almost a whole other phase for all the random dice rolls....

but if that would work , then it would mean orcs and nids swarm builds would be dominating right now , because they work the same way .

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I thought that green tide wasn't a horribad game plan?


The only advantage mono-god would have is that three of the warpstorm table results wouldn't hurt you.  Advantage might be a strong word to be using there.


There's something wrong when they can come up with eleventybajillion random tables, and effectively an entire random table phase for the game, but can't come up with some army wide USRs that you can get/buy/roll for if your army is 100% from a single god.


It's like Phill Kelly has decided that the popularity of the DE codex was based entirely on the existance of the Combat Drugs table.

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ah you mean with demons . yeah people that own only a demon army for w40k will hate playing with it that is right.



I thought that green tide wasn't a horribad game plan?

Sorry dont understand what this means ? yes shoty orcs/nids is the best thing they can play right now , but it is very underperforming and demons will be the same+melee+more random .





The only advantage mono-god would have is that three of the warpstorm table results wouldn't hurt you.

and which god would you play ? because khorn is bad , slanesh is bad , nurgle is technicly ok ,but has no support units so you either play  real mono nurgle and everything long range/flyer bits you in the ass or you mix and then risk that those support units you took [and arent nurgle demons] will be hurt as if you were playing a non mono list.

am not going to comment tzeench everyone sees how it looks right now .

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It's not 'Cron air, but I had thought that green tide was doing a little better than 'very underperforming'. I could be totally off base though.

Hey, I didn't say it was a great advantage, I just said it was the one advantage mono-god has. And obviously I would play Slaanesh. Because boobies. teehee.gif

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The FnP from warpfire looks like it stacks and is for the rest of the game.... it's the worst idea ever. So you're have a bad game you fire everything at their deathstar, 4 happen to be Warpfire, they pass the T test (because hey they're marine toughness like everyone else) and now they have a 3+ FnP save.... congratulations. How was this supposed to be a good idea??!?!

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The whole book, considering the best invulnerable save is fateweaver (4++) it seems expensive. Some things look cheap (seekers, soul grinders.) but then you realise this is a game where winning is determined (usually) by troop choices taking and holding objectives, and your cheapest troops are 9 pts a model, with a 5++, and psychic shooting attacks..... I don't see anything there to match a guard 4++Blob or wraithwing, not even close. Its sad, but I think there are possibly less options than the old demon dex. Plaguebearers et al are gonna be really expensive when you put heralds in to give their fnp back.
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grinder keeps AV13 and is 150 with only the AA-gun and a mark I

think. Upgrades include a S6AP4 torrent flamer, a DCCW and both of the

old ones. 200pts is realistic to be effective, though.

yes . ma bad about the av12 . still no interceptor means he waits 2 turn minimum to us his gun . thats why a naked AA gun sucks and the high cost multi task version costs too much . I mean we wouldnt buy a 200 predator , if it could get str 7 flakk. 

although I must say that the fact it shots 3 times is nice .


Actually the Harvester Canon has 2 profiles, 3 Autocanon shots and a different profile with 3 Autocanon shots Skyfire, so he is never stuck out of shooting with his cannon, even if there is  no flyers.


For once they did something "smart"...


Still pretty pissed with the Crushers..., i mean if in GW mind they need to nerf the heck out of models so that poeple buy others, the real thing that needed a Nerf whas Kairos, who whas taken with Crushers to make a Fatecrusher deathstar.


but here kairos don't give rerolls anymore to everything in 6", so the crushers din't need a Nerf this bad..., even if they did cost +10pts i was pretty okay with it, but like this and still 45pts?... its a bad joke.

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Crushers are cav, but more expensive, and lose their armor save, and maybe a point of toughness?  I forget what their T was before.  At least their champ can buy an AP2 weapon.  They run fast now, but it kind of seems like they'll die even faster.  I'm not sure.

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