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Escort Craft


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A question has come up among my gaming group. With Stormravens and Stormtalons now available in the same codex, it seems there may be an issue with the Escort Craft rule. One of our guys has come up with the nasty idea that he could put a unit of Terminators in the Raven, along with a Dreadnought, and then assign a single Talon to escort each of of the three units ( the Raven, the Termies, and the Dread). If that is the case, a single dice roll could bring in all six units.


I have only been able to read the Escort Craft rule in WD389 as I was in the bathroom during the 11 minutes that the new flyer book was available, so I don't know if anything was added to the rule to prevent that. Am I missing something?


Thank you.

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The Escort Craft rule in the digital codex gives the following conditions (paraphrased):

- a stormtalon cannot escort a unit entering by Deep Strike or Outflank

- a stormtalon cannot escort another stormtalon

- a maximum of one stormtalon can escort each unit or group of units arriving "together"


Since the stormraven with the embarked termies and dreadnought would be considered a "group, arriving together", then only one stormtalon can escort the stormraven.


Hopefully the DftS rules are the same as described in the digital codex.

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Seems perfectly reasonable to me, infact it would be silly saying you can't escort a certain unit because it has other units onboard. The Storm Raven is going to need a turn to disembark its cargo into a useful position anyway.

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