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Icon placement


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So I've just begun assembling my Chaos bikers and I'm having trouble figuring out where to place the Icon.


Where do you people generally place the icon? Vanilla trooper, Special weapon or Champion? I can see all of them having merits and flaws, really. With vanilla biker you transform an "excess wound" into a valuable model, whereas on a special weapons/champion, you create a model that hurts doubly to lose.


So, what's your general thoughts on Icons on bikers or anything, really?

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well as most lords are nurgle and the nurgle icon is bad, that is not a problem for most people . for all other bikers the icons good too. tzeench is bad like always on almost everything . khorn is a win more option ,because if you have a khorn lord you probably dont need it and killing too much on your turn isnt such a good thing too. the slanesh one is all nice t5 and fnp , like flying plague marines , only it means taking undivided or slanesh lords and the units have to be big to use the icon to its full potential .


that is one icons and bikers.


now where to place the icon . now in 3-4 man units never take an icon . in 5-6 units it should be on a naked guy , but not on the 3 that stand in front of your asp champ and meltaguns , it should be the buy that rides sideways between your champ and your lord.

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