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Aegis Defence Line query


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Hopefully this is quick and easy to answer.


Lets say I take an icarus lascannon.

  1. Can i shoot at a different target with the rest of the squad if I fired it in interceptor mode (i.e. in the opponents turn?)
  2. can i shoot it at a different target to the squad in a normal shooting phase.
  3. can the enemy shoot it under any circumstances?
  4. if i use the a devastator sergeant with a signum can it shoot at BS5 as technically he's not shooting the gun is or does that count as him shooting?

With the barricade itself.


  1. how close do i have to be to the barricade in order to gain a cover save?
  2. how far can i be away with conferring a cover save with shooting?
  3. Does the barricade stop/reduce any attacks in CC?

Thanks for the help

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1. I'm pretty sure "yes." The firing happens in two different turns, so there is no restriction. I think there's even a FAQ answer that says the guy manning the gun can fire a different weapon in the next turn after firing the cannon in interceptor mode.

2. No. In the same turn, the whole squad shoots the same target, period. Unless the unit itself has split fire rules.

3. Yes. The enemy can shoot the cannon under pretty much any circumstances (normal rules applying). It's a gun emplacement, with all the rulebook rules that go with that, and it's separate from the squad. If it's behind the wall though, and not too tall, it may be able to claim a cover save.

4. I would think the normal signum rules apply. If the sarge isn't shooting the gun, he can use his signum for the guy who is.



1. Close enough to have 25% obscuration from the point of view of the firing model. I.E., best judgement.

2. I'm not sure I understand this question. Are you asking how far away can you be before it confers a save to your target? Pretty much the same answer as above.

3. No, but getting past it to do CC counts as moving through difficult terrain, with the initiative penalties that go with that.

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"say I take an icarus lascannon."

Bad idea, the Quadgun is superior at killing Flyers.


Can i shoot at a different target with the rest of the squad if I fired it in interceptor mode (i.e. in the opponents turn?)



can i shoot it at a different target to the squad in a normal shooting phase.



can the enemy shoot it under any circumstances?



if i use the a devastator sergeant with a signum can it shoot at BS5 as technically he's not shooting the gun is or does that count as him shooting?




how close do i have to be to the barricade in order to gain a cover save?

25% obscured


how far can i be away with conferring a cover save with shooting?



Does the barricade stop/reduce any attacks in CC?

It's Difficult Terrain.

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Oh, I misunderstood lascannon question #4. You want to use the signum on the actual gun, so it can fire unmanned, or with the sarge touching it, at BS 5? No. The gun is not part of the squad, which I believe is a requirement for the signum. The sarge can use the signum on a squad-buddy firing the gun, however.

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I disagree with the quad gun being better due to most flyers being armour 12 (except on the rear) that means pen on 6 and glance on 5 (unless the controlling player is foolish).

With the lascannon glance 3, pen 4, 5, 6.

Plus 1 to damage roll.

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I disagree with the quad gun being better due to most flyers being armour 12 (except on the rear) that means pen on 6 and glance on 5 (unless the controlling player is foolish).

With the lascannon glance 3, pen 4, 5, 6.

Plus 1 to damage roll.


Against an AV12 Flyer:
- a Quadgun with BS4 will achieve 1.185 hull points per shooting phase with a 9.92% chance of achieving a Vehicle Destroyed result
- an Icarus with BS4 will achieve .444 hull points per shooting phase with a 11.17% chance of achieving a Vehicle Destroyed result
A 1.2% better chance of achieving a Destroyed result against AV12 is insignificant and not worth the significant loss of killing power against lesser AVs.
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Hopefully this is quick and easy to answer.


With the barricade itself.


  2. how far can i be away with conferring a cover save with shooting?
  3. Does the barricade stop/reduce any attacks in CC?

Thanks for the help


It works both ways.  Look from the firing model's eyes to the target.  Is it 25% obscured by the wall?  Then it gets cover.  How close either one is to the wall does not matter any more.


2. No.  In close combat, if you are in base contact with the wall, you are considered to be base to base with any enemy model within 2" that is also in base contact with the wall.

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Hopefully this is quick and easy to answer.


With the barricade itself.


  2. how far can i be away with conferring a cover save with shooting?
  3. Does the barricade stop/reduce any attacks in CC?

Thanks for the help


It works both ways.  Look from the firing model's eyes to the target.  Is it 25% obscured by the wall?  Then it gets cover.  How close either one is to the wall does not matter any more.


2. No.  In close combat, if you are in base contact with the wall, you are considered to be base to base with any enemy model within 2" that is also in base contact with the wall.

However, if you are less than a single base width from the wall, but NOT in base-to-base with said wall...  well, let's just say models can only go where you can place them.

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Hopefully this is quick and easy to answer.


With the barricade itself.


  2. how far can i be away with conferring a cover save with shooting?
  3. Does the barricade stop/reduce any attacks in CC?

Thanks for the help


It works both ways.  Look from the firing model's eyes to the target.  Is it 25% obscured by the wall?  Then it gets cover.  How close either one is to the wall does not matter any more.


2. No.  In close combat, if you are in base contact with the wall, you are considered to be base to base with any enemy model within 2" that is also in base contact with the wall.

However, if you are less than a single base width from the wall, but NOT in base-to-base with said wall...  well, let's just say models can only go where you can place them.

Thankfully wobbly model syndrome is actually a rule, so that isnt actually an issue and your opponents wont have to inform the world that you are incredibly rude and toxic to the game.

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Grey Mage: Wobby Model Syndrome, the fantastic rule that it is, allows for precariously balanced models to remain physically safe when a legal move might otherwise imperil them.  I can't believe that you would advocate using it to place a model in an illegal position to gain the ability to assault.


This usage of the Aegis Defense Line is no different than using destroyed Rhino Hulls, building walls, multiple ruin levels or any other physically blocking terrain piece or unit to screen your unit.

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Grey Mage: I can't believe that you would advocate using it to place a model in an illegal position to gain the ability to assault.

What "illegal position"? The "illegal" base-to-base position? laugh.png

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Grey Mage: I can't believe that you would advocate using it to place a model in an illegal position to gain the ability to assault.

What "illegal position"? The "illegal" base-to-base position? laugh.png

The illegal position where the assaulting model is placed where his base is too large to fit, or in the space occupied by another model. Y'know, THAT illegal position.

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Grey Mage: I can't believe that you would advocate using it to place a model in an illegal position to gain the ability to assault.

What "illegal position"? The "illegal" base-to-base position? laugh.png

The illegal position where the assaulting model is placed where his base is too large to fit, or in the space occupied by another model. Y'know, THAT illegal position.

The ADL is terrain. There is no prohibition on placing a model on terrain. It is, however, wobbly on top of the ADL - thus the "wobbly model syndrome" rule comes into play.
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In which case the assaulting model is on top of the ADL, and still not in base-to-base with the defender.  There are more than 2 dimensions to this game.

And on that WAAC note - I'm done debating.
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In which case the assaulting model is on top of the ADL, and still not in base-to-base with the defender.  There are more than 2 dimensions to this game.

In wich case because a ADL is more than an inch tall the base can be tilted at an angle in there, and wobbly moddle still comes into play. Even for 40mm models its going to be a rare case that this wont work out.


You might be able to stop a carnifex from assaulting you though, in return for any illusion of civility.

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In which case the assaulting model is on top of the ADL, and still not in base-to-base with the defender.  There are more than 2 dimensions to this game.

In wich case because a ADL is more than an inch tall the base can be tilted at an angle in there, and wobbly moddle still comes into play. Even for 40mm models its going to be a rare case that this wont work out.


You might be able to stop a carnifex from assaulting you though, in return for any illusion of civility.



Plain and simple, this argument is right up there with "Wraithguard can't shoot because they don't have eyes".
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Ad hominem, already?  C'est la vie.


Grey, I'm not sure what you're suggesting.  For a moment, it sounded like you suggested setting a model such that one edge is on the table, and the other edge is some distance up a vertical surface, creating a void in the triangle between them..  I'm certain I missed something.

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Ad hominem, already?  C'est la vie.


Grey, I'm not sure what you're suggesting.  For a moment, it sounded like you suggested setting a model such that one edge is on the table, and the other edge is some distance up a vertical surface, creating a void in the triangle between them..  I'm certain I missed something.

That is in fact exactly what Im stating, since theres no rule in the BRB against it, why not? Its still placed in contact with the table top, thus is "on" the table by definition. The rules do say the base needs to fit- however, as you said theres 3 dimensions, and it certainly fits at an angle. I tested the theory earlier this evening.

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