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Chaos HQ weapon choice musings


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  What are situations where you would prefer to have a Sorcerer in Power armor over Terminator armor?

always , because you want him either on a bike , tyfus[terminator armor] for a zombi build or no sorc.


Are Mastery Level 3 and a Familiar are auto takes?


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Power armour is for jump pack or bike sorcerers generally. You might also go for it if you want a cheap and cheerful sorcerer as a second HQ.


I prefer TA however, as the added survivability is worth the cost, particularly on a warlord.


I disagree with the ML3 being a must. It depends on what you want from the character. ML2 is usually enough for most games. The familiar, however, is a must IMHO, as perils are a major problem in 6th ed.


I run Sigil on both my characters, and a 4++ (3++ with Tzeench) is useful. I generally don't bother with Aura because I run terminator characters so it's pointless.

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So he gets shot up walking[being higher offten the only model your opponent sees] or you have to run a raider [200+pts tax] , that doesnt sound like an option .

Sometimes Jeske your negativity really gets people down sad.png

Palanquin is a very good choice for a nurgle sorcerer or lord, I put the sorcerer in a blob squad preferably plague marines and he survives horrendous amounts of damage especially with T5, 4+ inv save plus some biomancy spells to buff the heck out of him making me laugh evilly as he slaughters loyalists ,

Also if the are shooting him soaking up fire it means my bikers are getting free reign to melta the heck out of my opponents army

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Sometimes Jeske your negativity really gets people down

sometimes I think that the actual yeske that started to write her in 2006 doesnt exist anymore , nor is he russian [more like a guy from latvia] and that now he is just a hacked account run by a PR firm paid to discourage people from buying/playing GW games. I mean there is no way someone with or without a job can do posts 19hours a day .

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in general your sorc should be staying the hell away from any form of melee , because it is impossible to make him good at both dealing with troops and HQs[and being forced to do challanges means sooner then later you have to face both]. In general it looks like this , If you have another HQ in the unit then you make the sorc a troop killer which most of the time means an ax . If not then one has to askhimself , if it wouldnt be better to run a lord instead

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Sometimes Jeske your negativity really gets people down

sometimes I think that the actual yeske that started to write her in 2006 doesnt exist anymore , nor is he russian [more like a guy from latvia] and that now he is just a hacked account run by a PR firm paid to discourage people from buying/playing GW games. I mean there is no way someone with or without a job can do posts 19hours a day .

Everything I know may be a lie... ermm.gif Quick, someone check his IP!

Also, I could TOTALLY do nothing but post about 40k all day. I'm available, if you're hiring. whistlingW.gif

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Damnwallbash.gif sorry Deus ex Ferrum I meant to say would a force lance ever be good for sorcerer

No such thing? The BGB lists the force axe, force sword, and force stave.
Are you sure, there is a power lance so I thought you could have force lances as well??
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he would have to have 6/7 A to make the force lance good.

There are no force lances, only Staves (mauls), Axes and Swords (unless you're grey knights or otherwise have a special force weapon...)  A model with a force lance would have to choose a Stave or Axe (halberd) or potentially a sword.


I tell ya, after the GK codex I was hoping that lance would be an option, maybe not as good as the GK's got, but still be +1 initiative or something.  Oh well >_>


I built my current sorcerer based off that silly thought of mine, using the last codex, I was imgaining an i7 MoS sorcerer stabbing and burning everything around him to cinders.

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Sometimes Jeske your negativity really gets people down

sometimes I think that the actual yeske that started to write her in 2006 doesnt exist anymore , nor is he russian [more like a guy from latvia] and that now he is just a hacked account run by a PR firm paid to discourage people from buying/playing GW games. I mean there is no way someone with or without a job can do posts 19hours a day .

Thanks for the laugh!

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he would have to have 6/7 A to make the force lance good.

There are no force lances, only Staves (mauls), Axes and Swords (unless you're grey knights or otherwise have a special force weapon...)  A model with a force lance would have to choose a Stave or Axe (halberd) or potentially a sword.


I tell ya, after the GK codex I was hoping that lance would be an option, maybe not as good as the GK's got, but still be +1 initiative or something.  Oh well >_>


I built my current sorcerer based off that silly thought of mine, using the last codex, I was imgaining an i7 MoS sorcerer stabbing and burning everything around him to cinders.

not the important part , if a force lance existed [god knows what people allow to do and the question wasnt about tournament play] a sorc to have a working good force lance would have to be runing with 6A base 7 on the charge.






Thanks for the laugh!

you have no idea what pms people send me every day.

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I have a relatively simple PA Lord leading my Alpha Legion. No marks or cult troops in my army at all, so I chose to try the Black Mace at first. I used to run him with the special unmarked black sword chaos had, so it seemed fitting.  :)

So far, I have been pretty happy with the Mace. Sure it's only AP4, but all those attacks I get is just sweet! Twice now I have removed a character from play using it, and that alone was worth it. My most recent game my Lord ended up running into a unit of tactical marines, solo. His escort stayed behind to sit their back sides on an objective. 


The AP4 definately made the combat take longer, and wasn't an Instand whipe out. But then even with a claw fiist, I would be max 4 attacks each consecutive round. I have yet to roll a 1 on the mace, and so have always rolled 3+. I think if it was not a deamon weapon, I would not take it as it would just not be worth it with AP4.

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I really want to like the Murder Sword. I was really excited for it when the rumors about it were coming out, and I can see it's use as a scare tactic, but for something that's a powersword for every other enemy in the game (a double points powersword + meltabombs at that) and it's a bit hard to justify.


I have a pretty cool conversion that I made from an old metal Grey Knight Terminator sword and a few other bits for a guy in Terminator armor...admittedly not the most nimble of choices, but it was a rather large looking sword in the hands of a Power Armored lord. If it at least had rending or maybe +1 strength, or if the Murder Rule negated Eternal Warrior, heck I'd love it. But has anybody had any use out of? I've considered running it on a Terminator Lord with the Murder Sword and a Power Axe.

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Since returning to 40k I had used Abaddon in each game as a my Lord, and was consistently underwhelmed by how he performed compared to the points I paid - I retrospect I should have been far more aggressive with his deployment instead of trying to use him in a more surgical way to take out opposing high value targets.


In contrast, yesterday I took a basic power armoured Lord on a Juggernaut, two spawn, a poweraxe and Mark of Khorne. Using him a battering ram I sent him headlong into direct combat with a Wolf Guard terminator squad and Wolf Lord in a Land Raider, getting most of the way across the table in one round, . The spawn died very fast (as planned) but the Lord absolutely ploughed through the Space Wolves and killed every one of them over (I think) three rounds - some bad roles by my opponent but his extra Juggernaut stats made a big difference. He was ultimately killed himself as he slotted the last WG but that was down to a lack of invun save. I think a Sigil of Corruption and Axe of Blind Fury in the next game, and he will be an absolute beast. I don't think i'd use him this way again, going after slightly softer targets next time, but as a one man wrecking ball amongst 3+ power armour he seems very promising.

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Nice retrov!  I'm planning on getting a unit of 9 bikes, and a bike for my lord, and running him that way. I think he will retain the Black Mace, and I might see more use out of it, as on a bike I can get him into combat much sooner in the game.

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