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Switching to CHaos


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I just realized that looking at wolves and nids that theyre useless id like some more info/help on Chaos Marines im officially switching to Chaos what do i do

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I just realized that looking at wolves and nids that theyre useless id like some more info/help on Chaos Marines im officially switching to Chaos what do i do

Why are wolves and nids useless??

Well bacially im saying theyre useless compared to chaos if they worked together like my new Marne chapter i made most likeley not gonna be able to use it (tyranid space marines) they might be good but sepratley I personally think chaos would dominate.

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Before you give up on either Sw or nids you might want to take a second look at how you can play them.  Some of your frustrations could be solved by trying different units in the armies you already own.  SW in particular can play veeery similarly to Chaos (multiple 10 man squads with BP+CCW and 2x Plasma, havocs vs. longfangs, etc..) and in some cases SW do it slightly better (drop pods, psyker-blocking, split fire).  if it's their lack of fliers then take allies. 


If its the giant monster models you like, Tyrnids don't get much more giant monstery.  If you don't like gaunt swarms try Genestealer swarms in drop spores or big tyranid warrior mobs.


Don't get me wrong, I am currently a Chaos only player, but before you give up on 2 good armies take a look at how you're playing them.

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aside for a hell drake I can think of nothing chaos has that SW wouldnt have else and SW have a lot of stuff that chaos doesnt have [drop pods] + it gets balanced by the fact that SW can battlebrother IG.

Haha they may have drop pods but chaos has a warp gate

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As a general rule, Space Wolves are just the better version of us, apart from drakes, and it's not exactly fun to rely on that kind of crutch / one trick army.  Sooner or later some shift in the meta will negate that crutch, as lash princes were negated in 5th edition, and then your army will just have nothing left to stand on.


If you want to play chaos for the models and the fluff and the style, go ahead.  But if you're just looking for a stronger, more versatile army, you're going to want to take another look at your space wolf book and ask around for advice on getting the most out of them.



If you do want to try chaos, and are looking for the more effective options (rather than just grabbing whatever you like the look or fluff of and trying to make it work), you might consider starting with:


bike lord with mark of nurgle and burning brand

multiple small plague marine squads with dual plasma

a pair of drakes with baleflamer, and an escort squad of nurgle bikes with meltas

two units of two nurgle oblits, and a squad of unmarked havocs with all autocannons in an ADL with icarus or quad, possibly with the fearless banner if you're worried about them breaking

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I was thinking about using Death guard or purge when I get a chaos army together but ill look at SW and nids again or i might pick all 3 to play as in diffrent games idk yet

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Im sorry idk all terms for w40k whats fluff

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Im sorry idk all terms for w40k whats fluff

Fluff is the term we use for the background. Canon is somewhat inappropriate because the background is constantly changing, whether it be in little steps like the numbers of Astartes in the Legions, or very large steps like the Raven Guard clones now being labrats gone wrong.
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Im sorry idk all terms for w40k whats fluff

Fluff is the term we use for the background. Canon is somewhat inappropriate because the background is constantly changing, whether it be in little steps like the numbers of Astartes in the Legions, or very large steps like the Raven Guard clones now being labrats gone wrong.

thx for telling me that clears things up a lil

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Irony might be, though. Switching from SW to CSM while considering the former to be "useless" is uh. Well. It's certainly a thing.

well im saying that theyre usless compared to CSM i like SW still its just that after i red the CSM index I like them a lot more cuz i got it from christmas from my grandma its the only index i really have anyways. like i looked at sw index at the stor but i didnt have enough money to buy it so i left it alone so thats really y im for CSM right now

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Chaos Marines are a colorful faction with a lot of nuances and an unmatched depth, while Space Wolves are very one-dimentional. So if you're looking for a faction with a deep background, that's the way to go.

On codices' power level, the SW one is "better" which means that most games will be an easy win without too much trouble, when the Chaos one is considered more balanced.

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Chaos Marines are a colorful faction with a lot of nuances and an unmatched depth, while Space Wolves are very one-dimentional. So if you're looking for a faction with a deep background, that's the way to go.

On codices' power level, the SW one is "better" which means that most games will be an easy win without too much trouble, when the Chaos one is considered more balanced.

I like them both but is it possible to play as Dark Wolves 

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Idk if isaid this but i love both SW and CSM so idk what to really do lol id love to play as both but i idk what to do i love nids too and everything is mixing me up lol i got nids a CSM codex and nothing SW lol wat do I do is it possible that i can play as all three.


Idk if isaid this but i love both SW and CSM so idk what to really do lol id love to play as both but i idk what to do i love nids too and everything is mixing me up lol i got nids a CSM codex and nothing SW lol wat do I do is it possible that i can play as all three.

Pretty sure this is posted as a misleading topic.


You are looking to start an army, not looking to switch. The fact that you have no idea what anything does means you don't know that chaos is good, bad, or in between so far as rules go. Truth is, it's not good. It may be awesome, metal, brutal, or elsewise appealing, but it is not good when it comes down to comparing it to other armies. I picked chaos because I like making and painting custom models, which chaos has abundant opportunity for. Once you know what you want, your question will actually be addressable.

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The DW have drop pods how come the other CSM leigons dont have them

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it is racism (is chaos a race ??) !! We cant have drop pods , and we cant figure out how to take the LC's off a LR and bolt on bolters. I guess we're pretty stupid for people that can maintain fleets capable of inter-stellar travel and figure out how to make machines powered by daemons.

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