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2500 Veteran's Tournament Playtest Batrep


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2013 sees the 4th year in which the South African Veteran's Tournament is run. 

In SA, tournament play is almost exclusively limited to the UK style of tournaments.  It started out at 1500, moving for a brief time to 1650 and then when the UK moved to 1750, we followed suit.  

Our regional and national tournaments are almost always 2day, 5/6 game affairs that follow the simple win/draw/loss system with no form of soft score.  


The Veteran's was inspired by various tournaments all over the world that expanded the tournament gaming experience beyond the mundane. 


Vets is a 5-game, 2500 point tournament with all optional/special rules GW has to offer in play.

The system does not work in a simple WIN/LOSS/DRAW, but rather has three tiers of Objectives and 3 bonus objectives.  Primary, Secondary and Tertiary objectives are worth 15, 10 and 5 respectively, while each bonus point is worth 2, for a total of 36 points each game.  There is no "winner" or "loser" of each game, rather it's a scramble to get as many points as you can to try win the tournament. 


Forge World units are allowed, all optional rules and expansions are in play, and the Veteran's itself has one or two special twists (Nids for example are allowed to ally with themselves - with some limitations).  


The Vets this year is a sideboard tournament.  

Each player is asked to bring a CoreForce of 1750 points, and then TWO 750 point add ons, which when one is combined with the Core Force, makes up a 2500 point list (ONE F.O.C.!!).  Players are allowed to choose which of their sideboards they use after they learn who their opponent is. 


The rest is up to the gaming. 


For those interested in downloading the Veterans mission pack, you can get it on our local 40k site here: 




Here is the mission we playtested.  It's the final mission of the tournament and is called: LAST STAND.







BatRep follows....




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I'm not going to lie, Mort, this seems like an awesome event.  Best of luck to you guys!




The playtest mission is coming up soon!! Busy getting it together.


Its fast become Cape Town's most anticipated gaming event of the year, which is quite cool.  Hopefully this year is no different!

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For purposes of the batrep I was asked to write about DA, not knowing that my opponent was also DA! I wanted to try a list where there were as many kinds of different scoring Troops as possible.  This list had 6 types of Troops I could work with!
I took a DA/BA mix of the following:


Azrael (Counts as Tycho :P )
DA Libby - Jump Pack, Epistolary
Fragioso- Magna Grapple
Drop Pod
9 DA Veterans - 1Melta Gun, 2 Power Axes
7 Death Wing Terms- Assault Cannon, 2Thunderhammer/Stormshield
5 Raven Wing Bikes  - Power Axe, 2Plasma Guns + 1 Raven Wing Attack bike- Multi Melta
5 DA Tactical Squad- LasCannon
5 DA Tactical Squad- LasCannon
10 BA Assault Marines - 2Melta Gun, Power Fist
5 BA Assault Marines - Flamer
Razorback - Twinlinked AC
Baal Pred - Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Storm Raven - Hurricane Bolters, Twin LInked AC, Twin linked Multimelta.


My opponent brought an unholy alliance of  Eldar and Dark Angels.


DA Librarian, Epist, Force Axe,Term Armour
Eldrad Ulthran 
Dread 2xTwin Autocannon
8 Striking Scorpions
5 Death Wing Terms-  Assault Cannon, Chain fist
5 Death Wing Terms-  Assault Cannon, Chain fist
5 Death Wing Terms-  Assault Cannon, Chain fist
5 Death Wing Terms- Cyclone Launcher
10 DA Tactical Squad - Plasma gun, Plasma Cannon
3 Eldar Jetbikes
3 Ravenwing Black Knights 
7 Warp Spides - Exarch + Withdraw
Mission 5 for Veteran's is one of the two missions that have additional special rules. This particular special rule was inspired by an Adepticon Gladiator mission (2007), where by one unit (or FOC choice) is sent off board until turn 4. The thinking behind such a crazy rule, especially in the final, is to see how players do without key, or linchpin units that can potentially lopside a game by their inclusion alone. This forces list balance consideration to an extent where the player has to use other available resources for the first three turns.
Going in with 2 psykers, one of which was Mephy, I knew almost immediately who I would want to send off. Looking through his list there was nothing else I felt was of a high enough threat. So, it had to be Eldrad. Considering First Blood was a bonus point in this mission (its not in others) my opponent elected to send off my Furioso with Fragcannon (Fragioso) with its pod.
The next consideration was the objective “Marked for Death”. He chose one of my 5man tactical squads, and likewise I chose one of his.
We set up terrain, me trying to give myself levels of high pieces to facilitate an aggressive assault in case I needed to get stuck into the Eldar Jetbikes that can clear 12" a turn with the Relic.
I was lucky enough to roll for first turn. I knew (or rather expected) his 4 termy squads to come in on first turn, so deployed quite tight.
After scout moves, my (scoring) attack bike was touching the Relic, allowing me to try and move away as soon as possible. The baal and the other bikes reposition a bit forward.
His set up looks like this:
With the Tacs on the board, the dread and the 3 Blackknights.  The Eldar warps and bikes are off board.
He fails to seize initiative, and first turn is mine.
Considering his deathwing assault, I deployed Azrael and the Vets out of the rhino so that I could counter assault as soon as possible. Azrael joins up with the more vulnerable (valuable?) jump packers and provides them with a 4++. The shooting is generally quite poor and I only manage to kill 1 marine from one squad, and 2 from another. The 5man plascannon squad breaks, but considering their 3"fall back and then their auto-regroup, this wont affect anything.
His turn one.....
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Super Excited for the writeup! Already seeing the DA being used everywhere I can see apparently they have a lot to offer as allies? Well now it look slike I'm going to have to get my hands on that codex. No need to rehash highlights here to hijack the thread--- just know that I'm highly interested to keep tabs on DA performance!


If DA turn out to be a more useful ally than SW..... then for some strange reason I feel DA are more palatable. I wonder why that is? Maybe because the old Angels of Death history, or the fact DA are more Codex-Astartes aligned (like BA) than SW who pretty much snub the whole document.


Either way, I'm just glad to be back! The fact that GW is dropping a new Daemons codex has me really really excited too-- If Flamer/Screamer spam gets reigned in then my faith in this game will be fully restored. Speaking of which, Morticon what are your thoughts about the meta getting massive shift when the Daemons get their new book? You've mentioned in the past that C:D is extremely popular in SA.

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the mission sounds like great fun, and keeping eldrad off the board until turn 4 helps a lot with your setup biggrin.png a scoring attack bike taking the relic in turn 0 is quite lame I must say ^^

@CAG the nice thing about DA is that they are the same thing as in your codex, but a lot cheaper (and tacticals can take a heavy weapon with 5 guys)... so you're better off just taking them in the allied FOC instead of your main army :/

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Super Excited for the writeup! Already seeing the DA being used everywhere I can see apparently they have a lot to offer as allies? Well now it look slike I'm going to have to get my hands on that codex. No need to rehash highlights here to hijack the thread--- just know that I'm highly interested to keep tabs on DA performance!


If DA turn out to be a more useful ally than SW..... then for some strange reason I feel DA are more palatable. I wonder why that is? Maybe because the old Angels of Death history, or the fact DA are more Codex-Astartes aligned (like BA) than SW who pretty much snub the whole document.


Either way, I'm just glad to be back! The fact that GW is dropping a new Daemons codex has me really really excited too-- If Flamer/Screamer spam gets reigned in then my faith in this game will be fully restored. Speaking of which, Morticon what are your thoughts about the meta getting massive shift when the Daemons get their new book? You've mentioned in the past that C:D is extremely popular in SA.


Im enjoying them very much! Although, useful is a loaded term though, on account of it being quite specific to each person. I still feel the Pups offer a great deal of support to where we're lacking in variety of efficient units - namely, scoring troops.  The thing about the DA is that theyre not incredible as allies on account of GW being very smart and applying the same Chaos dex logic in that they cant make all their special units troops unless theyre the primary army! 


I like them because as you said I find them a little more palatable than the pups.  Their core units are essentially the same as ours, with some tweaks and they have great cost reduction.  2x 5man lascannon tacs with a level one jumpy lib comes in at 270 points.  Not a bad investment for 2 claiming lascannon squads and a force multiplier for your army.  


The daemon dex I have NO idea about.  Theyve won 2 tournaments (a doubles and a regionals) since the last nationals, but didnt feature at all player wise in the most recent regionals.  There werent a lot of local players that play daemons and of the 3 main contenders that do, 2 are fluff players.  Its only at a national level that their prevalence is known.  SA suffers from financial restrictions too in the sense that (luckily?)  not everyone that plays daemons can afford to go out and spam 27/27 flamer/screamer combo.  As a general indicator, minimum wage in South Africa is just over $1 US an hour.  Now, factor in that we have to pay +30% RRP on our models and gaming stuff and you'll understand the situation here. 


Enemy turn 1 coming up.

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I forgot to mention, that my terms came down turn 1 - 6"away from the ravenwing attack bike. 

Looked like this:





In his First turn as expected all his models in the death wing came down. 


Belial supported by a librarian and 5 other DW terms made for a scary prospect along with 15 OTHER terms.  

It was going to be heavy.


Kyle, my opponent, played very aggressively, he went quickly for the 5man Tac marked for death, risking a mishap by placing on top of the landing pad terrain (not an actual landing pad) instead of going with the safe deployment from the BlackKnight homers.  They hit!  


He then placed a term squad (with cyclone) behind the baal, hoping to get rear armour and first blood from the weak vehicle.  Unfortunately for him, the scatter took him off board, and the subsequent mishap saw me placing the terms on the far side of the board.  

A beneficial mercy!


He repeated the process with another squad, content with the theory behind his tactics.  This time hitting on target.  Belial did the same, deploying behind the veterans rhino in an effort to double the odds on potential first blood kills. I had forgotten that Belial, much like Dante, does not scatter, and simply places where they want to go.  (This combined with Ravenwing bikers will see DA doing some crazy stuff in the future!).  Belial and co were right next to Mephiston and the Vets, with sights on the baal side armour and the rhino rear armour. 




Above you can see terms at your 9o'clock, 6o'clock and 12o'clock. 

His BlacK Knights then moved out to get a bike or two into rapid fire range of my poor terms ><;  Somewhat expected. His scorpions also move out into the open, trying to get close to the terminators. 

His overall strategy was sound, but the dice didnt go as well as they could have.  Coupled with some decent saves, I only lost 2 men from the 5man Tac and 1 term.  The shooting at the vehicle saw the baal shaken and lose a HP and the vets rhino destroyed, giving him First Blood. The bikers failed their charge distance, but didnt take any overwatch shots.  The scorpions however make it into combat and start wailing on the terminators. 

Luckily I only lose one.  Unluckily I do very little damage in return, killing all of 2 scorps.  




But that was it! 


Turn 2.  


Cue the raven! 


Mephy, moves up to the middle field looking to have words with the scorpions. He is completely ignoring the masses of terminators in the lines of the BA.  This is for obvious reasons.  Know your strengths, but know your weaknesses too!  Mephy cannot do 2+ saves, so its into the fray of the ill supported back lines we shall go.  

The DA libby casts prescience on the Biker squad so I can reroll my much needed plasma guns, while the jumpers and vets move up to prepare to attack Belial. 

The raven is supporting them. 

When the dust of my shooting settles, Ive done considerable damage all over the show.  

3 Terms at 9oclock are down, a whole bunch of terms, including the libby with belials squad are down, and at 12 oclock 2 terms go down too. 



Mephy charges in and cleans up the scorpions quick, quick.  




And the jumpers, now joined at the back by "Tycho" (for his 4++ to the squad!) and the Vets charge in to Belials squad killing every other termy and leaving Belial on one wound. I consolidate with the veterans first, leaving the jumpers unable to get into BTB meaning they are free to consolidate:




Its only second turn, and although a fair deal of points are not on the board for the DA/Eldar, things are not looking too good!


Enemy Turn 2....





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very nice . always good to read . I remember something like a veto system from old WFB tournaments where each player could remove one magic item from his opponents list , but then his opponent could do the same [so if both did it was 2 magics less , offten killing more powerful combos] . very good idea for a tournament , smooths the deathstars [even if they do hurt less at 2500pts] or the uber HQ armies [a non old cortez leafblower wasnt the same list without him] . buffs the armies that can spam stuff , but so is life.


by the way how is IG done with it , technicly their 1 troop can be rather big.

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very nice . always good to read . I remember something like a veto system from old WFB tournaments where each player could remove one magic item from his opponents list , but then his opponent could do the same [so if both did it was 2 magics less , offten killing more powerful combos] . very good idea for a tournament , smooths the deathstars [even if they do hurt less at 2500pts] or the uber HQ armies [a non old cortez leafblower wasnt the same list without him] . buffs the armies that can spam stuff , but so is life.


by the way how is IG done with it , technicly their 1 troop can be rather big.


Its one FOC choice. So, in the case of Marines for example it could be a 10man squad + rhino, or in the case of DA, it could be 6 Raven Wing bikes, an attack bike and a speeder, and in the case of guard, can be the whole blob squad. 

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In his second turn, both the jetbikers and the Spiders fail to come in.   The Nightwing however does fly in to support. 


His bikers move aggressively up the ruin to target Mephiston with their plasma talons. 

His 3 remaining Terms on the landing pad move forward to shoot and charge, as do the terms at the 9o'clock. 

In his shooting phase, he kills my AC razor with his Dready, and then unloads into Mephy.  6 hits ><;  But dice gods shine on me and Mephy only takes 1 wound. 


The Nightwing takes some shots at Mephy too, but he fails to do damage.


In his combat phase the terms charge, the 9o'clcks taking some damage, and the 12o'clocks on the landing pad not doing enough!

The 9o'clocks wind up killing most of the Bikers.


Belial pegs it this turn and the Vets move up to support. 



In my third turn, 


The jumpers move up to engage the remaining termy and then hopefully support the terms at the top of the pad. 




Mephiston moves on to engage the dreadnought, while the terms position to shoot and charge the Talons. 



My Raven boosts off 36" to engage his flier. 


My shooting kills a tactical marine at the top of the ruin, and takes out all the talons before they can get charged (probably a good thing). 

The Raven's shooting is shrugged off by the Nightwings 2+ cover.  Not a problem, it only hits on 6's now!


The jumpers engage with the terms ->




At the end of my 3rd, his dreadnought is dead, things continue on the downward spiral for the unholy alliance. 


In his third, the jetbikes and spiders come in.  He brings the spiders in to support the terms, but unfortunately scatters again, and again rolls a 2.  Meaning I place them.  They go off to the end of the table.  He's not catching a break sadly.  The bikers turbo on to help bubble wrap the tacticals from the potential jump and attack from Mephiston.  (I realise at this time he's forgotten about Fraggy coming in next turn. 


The nightwing focusses on the attack bike, getting a little lucky with its shots, and killing it- forcing the relic drop. 

The terms at the top finally kill the Tac squad they needed to, but keep battling it out with the the other remaining unit.  




Turn 4....




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Turn 4,


Fraggy comes on. 


He his close enough to where he needs to be. 

Mephy, instead of jumping towards the Tacs, goes to engage the warp spiders.  

The jumpers jump up to the landing pad, while the last two bikers join up with azrael(Tycho) and go for the relic. 

The raven goes in to hover and attempts to thin out the last remaning threatening termy squad.



Fraggy does his job by destroying the Tac squad. Mephy takes out the warp spiders comfortably. 

Jumpers do their vibe: 



In his turn, Eldrad comes down, right near the relic. Mind war fails to do enough and the unit still claims the relic. 


He also charges his last remaining terms in to the Raven, taking it down


From this point, its really just clean up for the Blood Angels.  We move around models inconsequentially, doing what damage needs to be done and speeding to an end.  



By the end of the game, he only has Eldrad and the Nightwing on the table. 

The BA have secured the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary missions.  I've picked up 2 of the bonus missions too for a total of 34 points. 


The enemy has picked up a bonus, and Marked for Death giving him a total of 7 points. 


Blood Angels and Dark Angels walk away content after taking out the fallen. 






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