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Ultramarine Scouts + Telion (LPC '13)


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Hi all

So I've had a box of scouts and a Sergent Telion model sitting in my 'to-do' box for a while, and the LPC seemed a good incentive to get these painted up!

Here's a boring undercoat shot (just for completeness):

I always leave the assembly of the models until later on, so that there are no obstructions when painting things like chest eagles etc.
Next I laid down the bascoats... and got a bit carried away with the faces. This tends to happen as faces always worry me - I can't really relax and enjoy painting the rest of the model until I've done its face. Bit weird, not sure why.
Anyway, I'm planning to do a bit more this afternoon so I'll upload some more bits soon. In the meantime any comments, tips etc gratefully received!

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My second WIP post. Here's the next pic:


Its been a while since I've done a scout squad, and I'd forgotten what a complete and utter pain they are to assemble. Maybe its just me, but the wrists at the end of the left arms didn't seem to sit anywhere near the hands moulded onto the bolters, and I ended up having to file down the pouches on the scouts' chests just to get the arms somewhere close. Even then I had a few shoulder gaps that needed green-stuffing. Very frustrating, and the heavy bolter scout and Telion himself weren't much better verymad.gif

Still, they're now almost fully assembled, and I'm reasonably pleased with how they're coming on. Just a few more details and highlights to do...

  • 3 weeks later...


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