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New user from Finland, Space Wolves & Night Lords player!


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I'm a new user on this forum but I've frequently been spinning around Dakka. I was directed here if I wanted to get some help with marine stuff, so I did.

On TT I personally play Space Wolves and Chaos. Currently only Night Lords, but I'm thinking on expanding the army to include some Deathguard and maybe Thousand Sons. This is to create diversity and more options in army building. When I play or model or paint, I keep myself strictly in the fluff. What I don't do, however, is add chapter badges. I hate those things. I have my own rather unique Space Wolves (still looking for a nice scheme), but I'm running a small rogue warband so that should justify it.

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that is great


but the question is this


"what type of fluff Night Lords do you play as...?"



I guess you mean which Night Lords fluff I'm playing... Corrupted or not. My warband, which I call the "Desecrators of Balaam" is one that is corrupted here and there. My current troops are Khornate marines with icons and I have a mutated Lord (wings = jump pack, power fist, lighting claw).


So a bit "here and there".

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