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New flyers and Locator beacons..


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How does that work with the Black Templars.  We don't have Locator beacons in our vehicle wargear, but it is listed as an option under the vehicle entry.  Does that exclude us from taking it?


Regardless, does the beacon work to prevent scatter when using skies of fury deep strike?

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The locator beacon: If a unit wishes to deploy via deep strike and chooses to do so within 6" of a model carrying a locator beacon, then it will not scatter. Note that the locator beacon must be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used (Blood Angel codex, page 31).


I can't find the rules for the locator beacon in the Death from the Skies book. Hope this helps.

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We are having this discussion in the BT forum. It seems like that according to the rules the unit inside the Raven can use Skies of Fury without scattering if it has a locator beacon after the Raven has been on the table for a turn. Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?

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We are having this discussion in the BT forum. It seems like that according to the rules the unit inside the Raven can use Skies of Fury without scattering if it has a locator beacon after the Raven has been on the table for a turn. Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?

So the locator beacon option WOULD prevent scatter using the stormraven's mid-zoom parachute option? Soory if I seem daft, in my defense. I am a newer player and the sr is very new option.


EDIT: Also wouldn't the beacon 6" radius start from the BASE of stormraven? I THOUGHT I had read that embark / diembark moves were measured from the base of a flyer but perhaps not.


I just checked BRB. Page 80 details that distances are measured from the BASE of a flyer for purposes of models embarking or disembarking. The BASE is considered the access point. Provided that you are placing the unit within 6" of the stormraven's base you do not scatter. The rule states that models may disembark anywhere along the flight path of the zooming flyer. So it would appear that as long as you pay the points cost for the locator beacon your skydiving units may land unharmed within 6" either side of the stormraven's flight path.


Unless I am missing something. If so please explain.

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  • 1 month later...

you move the raven its whole move, then pick the point you want to DS with skies of fury. if this is further than 6'' from the raven you still scatter..its kinda pointless really



That would be correct if the rules for the homer in the codex wouldn't state that it only works for units teleporting onto battlefield, and as far as I know Skies of fury is not teleporting.

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A Locator Beacon (an option for the Storm Raven as presented in the Death from the Skies suppliment) is different to a Teleport Homer.


A TH only works when you Teleport.


A LB doesn't have this restriction.



I just checked BRB. Page 80 details that distances are measured from the BASE of a flyer for purposes of models embarking or disembarking. The BASE is considered the access point. Provided that you are placing the unit within 6" of the stormraven's base you do not scatter. The rule states that models may disembark anywhere along the flight path of the zooming flyer. So it would appear that as long as you pay the points cost for the locator beacon your skydiving units may land unharmed within 6" either side of the stormraven's flight path.


Unless I am missing something. If so please explain.


The radius of Wargear is measured from the Hull.

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