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assault vehicle


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i'm sure that this must have been talked about before but i'm reading the assault vehicle rules and it seems to me that they allow you to assault straight out of reserves.



Reserves rule:


Unless stated otherwise, a unit cannot charge, or tlse any
abilities or special rules that rnust be used at the start of
the turn, in the turn it arrives from reserve. 




Assault Vehicles rule:



Passengers disembarking from Access
Points on a vehicle with this special rule
can charge on the turn they do so,even
on a turn that the vehicle was destroved 

seems to me that that counts as it being 'otherwise stated'


am i missing something?





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Endlessly, repeatedly, and heatedly argued with much 'ignoring', 'warning', and 'thread locking'.


Ultimately resolved by a GW FAQ:

"Q: Do Transports with the Assault Vehicle special rule permit their passengers to charge on the turn they arrive from Reserve? (p33)

A: No."
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you couldnt charge out of deep striking LR in 5th either and for outflanking khan was better , because he was giving the rule to the whole army .

what we have here is the case of Lucius drop pod using its ability to charge and being turned from a transport in to a FA choice[for the dread] or being a extra high cost non POTMS SR without the cool stuff.

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what we have here is the case of Lucius drop pod using its ability to charge and being turned from a transport in to a FA choice[for the dread] or being a extra high cost non POTMS SR without the cool stuff.

I think the Lucius is outside of the scope of the OPs question, as it has a specific special rule which allows the Embarked Dreadnought to Assault on the turn it arrives from Reserves and Disembarks. This is not, in any way, the BRB Assault Vehicle USR.

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