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You can't take an army from the same codex as an ally right?

Trevak Dal

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I mean...it would be nice and all, certainly help out the bugs, but you can't right? I played the other day with a guy who was...insistent about being able to play his Blood Angels as allies of eachother (though to his credit he did have the two separate detachments painted as separate companies...and didn't spam Librarians-he even used a Non Special Character captain.)


My Farsight army would LOVE to take some Tau allies and have those 'reinforcements on the spoke', but my understanding of the rulebook says you can't. I allowed the guy to play his army-mostly because I wanted to see how I'd do, and it didn't seem terribly unbalanced, then again he wasn't bringing out the most 'tryhard' list he could bring out (going wolfy with 3 librarians or some such thing).

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Do you mean he fielded two Primary Detachments of C:BA in a 2,000pt+ game?  In which case it's legal (BRB, pg.110).

Or do you mean he fielded C:BA Primary Detachment(s) with with C:BA Allied Detachment(s) (ie. 1 HQ, 1-2 Troops, 0-1 FA/HS/Elite)?  In which case he cheated (BRB, pg.109).

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