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Please allow me to introduce myself,


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Hey team, I just kind of wandered into this forum. I figured I should post something as it is my first time here and I expect that given on feedback I will probably become a regular.


Quick facts. I have only been playing 40k for about a year now. Although this is not my first mini's game. In that time I feel I have picked up quite a bit and have already read all current codex's. The switch over to sixth edition helped out a lot for me as well as it made it so even veteran players in my area had to catch up on everything. 


So I guess we should crack down to what armies I use. Currently I have three groups I am working on. I have a Blood Angels Mechanized list, I also like to run decent of angels, which has gotten a lot more fun with sixth edition and having Sanguinary Guard (evil laugh). I have been making a Dark Angels army for quite some time and while I have the ability to field a mash up of DA Space Marines Ravenwing and Deathwing, Deathwing is probably my favorite. I actually just completed making/modeling my Deathwing Army and am looking forward to posting it in the near future. I also bought a decent amount of Tyranids they are what kind of got me into the game but at the time seemed far more expensive than a SM army and well Black Reach and Dark Vengeance really helped boost the models I could field.


I tend to be rather sarcastic so I assume I will fit right in. I like to crunch numbers so what I see as "fluffy" other people might see as cheese. I am going to assume at least 95% of my posts are going to be me avoiding writing a paper for class. I also do most of my own modding so I will probably have a lot of WIP posts. I will admit my painting is not the greatest. I am usually open to criticism as long as it is constructive. So yeah. SPACE MARINES!!!

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! Being sarcastic is all well and good, just make sure the other guy knows your intentions. Sometimes things get lost in translation when put into text. :)

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