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Couple of Questions


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Hey guys,


So I have a couple of questions I was hoping you guys could help me out with.


1. Drop pods and disembarking. I know that for vehicles you start your disembarkation by placing your models in contact with the vehicle and then you get a normal move (6"). But I thought pods worked a little differently. Since in the drop pod rules it says that a unit in a pod cannot move except for the disembarking (putting your model(s) in contact with the pod) I read that as you then wouldn't get your 6" move. Is this right?


2. Divination: Forewarning. Target unit gets a 4+ invul save. My question is if you have a librarian with an assault squad and you cast this power on the assault squad does the librarian get it too? I'm thinking no as they are 2 separate units but I just want to make sure.



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You disembark 6" from any vehicle, but then cannot move further. The issue here is a slightly conflict between 5th edition rules (which allowed a 2" disembark move then a further 6" move) which the drop pod was written for, and 6th edition rules (where disembarking is a 6" move with no further movement).


If the librarian is part of the assault squad because of independent character rules, then he benefits from all effects on that squad that say they affect the squad. If the rule says it affects models in the squad, then no.

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There was a discussion about the drop pod issue on my local GW Facebook page.


The outcome was that as disembarking was listed as the exception to units moving after arriving from deep strike reserve and the 6" disembark move is part of the disembark procedure, you deploy within 6" of the drop pod subject to normal deployment rules.


Furyou has it right with regards the Libby issue.

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reading the second question a third popped into my cranial cavity.


can IC's with different armour ie. libby with power armour, join a unit of assault terminators.


Its been a while but i seem to remember a rule where PA could only join PA and TDA could only join TDA.

might have been 3rd or 4th 40K though, memory is fading as i get older.

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Although if said libby had a jump pack, then he could deepstrike with them. That leads to images of the libby leaving the squad a few hours earlier, flying to the location and jumping out of a thunder hawk and do a synchronized deepstrike formation.

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... Or terminators sky diving sans-parachute alongside the Libby. "Don't worry brother, I'm sure you'll be just fine, you'll probably bounce"


Cinematically I like the idea of the Libby landing in a flare of jet wash, slamming a teleport homer into the ground and the terminators instantly materialising around him. "Say hello to my not-so-little friends"

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