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Silly Question - Necron Royal guard


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Hi, quick question, my Khornate Blind-Axe-Juggerlord hit a necron royal court, 4 crypteks, 1 lord and an attached character, obyron.


I also charged with a unit of CSM and the champion challenged, so the lord was free to hit the squad.


Lord hits at I5, and wipes all the crons out except the one int he challenge with my unit champion.


My opponent was adamant that each cryptek and lord and obyron were characters... does that mean my lord rolls 5 times on the gift of the gods table since he just slew 5 characters????


We were going to make him roll five times but he rolled a 66 on his first roll and we stopped there as he ascended to a demon prince... and lost his axe and Jugger...

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They're not Independent Characters (except Obyron)... but yes, they are Characters.


Royal Courts are like Wolf Guard, except that every single member is a Character. However, I have to wonder just what kind of a court he was running if you slaughtered him that easily. Were they all DestriTeks (the ones with lascannons)?

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It's amusing that your opponent is the one advocating that each is a character to make you roll multiple times.


Note to any game designers: When the opponent is trying to force players to use their "reward mechanic," you have failed at designing a reward mechanic.

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That is completely wrong Slayer. To get a roll on the Boon table. You only have to have had kill a character with your champion. It doesn't matter if it's in a challenge or not. This is explicitly stated in the codex let alone the FAQ.


Also, A champion gets a role on the table if his attacks (shooting or CC) cause a wound on a unit that has it's character die. Note it DOESN'T have to be a precision shot, he just needs to be involved. So your CSM unit fires it's bolters into guardsman along with your Asp champion and it wipes out the unit along with their Sergeant, as it's a character, he gets a roll.

EDIT: obviously if he's in a challenge that second part is moot cos he cannot inflict wounds on a character outside the challenge.

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"Also, A champion gets a role on the table if his attacks (shooting or CC) cause a wound on a unit that has it's character die. Note it DOESN'T have to be a precision shot, he just needs to be involved. So your CSM unit fires it's bolters into guardsman along with your Asp champion and it wipes out the unit along with their Sergeant, as it's a character, he gets a roll."


Do you have any specific reference to back that up? I thought it had to be his shot, rolled seperate and if that shot happens to kill the sargent, then he rolls. where can i find rules stating that if the unit kills another unit, and the killed unit contains a character, then my champion gets to roll?

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"Whenever a character with the Champion of Chaos special rule kills an enemy character, you must immediately check to see if the Dark Gods reward him.  To do this, roll a d66...


If an enemy character dies as a result of multiple Wounds being allocated to it simultaneously, and one or more of those Wounds were caused by the champion, that champion still rolls on the Chaos Boon table.", C:CSM, pg.28
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