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+ Sisters of Battle Painting, Converting, Love, Etc. +


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Please throw up images (or links to images) of your beautiful Sisters of Battle armies. :smile.: Credit for the creation of this thread goes to nzz, originally requested here.


Now...I only have one painted Sisters of Battle model...and it is (wouldn't you know) a winged Celestine conversion. (Sorry, Furyou. <3)


Waitaminut, thade. How on earth did you end up the mod here if you don't have a Sisters army?


Because I love Sisters and can't shut up about them, so it was like falling into a trap I didn't realize I was digging for myself. <3


Here she is!








Now, to further add insult to self-injury here:

  • I didn't paint this model. It was a gift from a very good friend of mine - that's his handle in the photo. The paint job won him a Land Raider in a contest on another board (I think 40kforums) maybe two years ago.
  • She is actually not a SoB in my case: she is a winged aberration that my chapter experiences/suffers in the way of a counts-as the Sanguinor.
  • She's never seen combat on a table because I'm afraid of her tipping over (she's super top  heavy).

That's me. :smile.: I also have a WIP Sister in TDA (which I couldn't shut up about months ago) but it's fugly right now, so I can't link that. Let's see your armies! <3


(Please keep them reasonably sized...if they blow up the window I'll need to nix them. The new board doesn't seem to have auto-resizing yet, so Preview before you post. <3)

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Canoness Aria Deus, is a Seraphim. Her feet were cut off and re-positioned so as to make her standing rather than waftey-floatey. Her arms were replaced with a Demon Huter inquisitor models arms, making her then blessed weapon a Power Hammer. Her backpack is constructed from a Sister of Battle back pack with the balls cut off aand replaces with Swooking Hawk wings and fares over with greenstuff.  The Icon above her head used to be the Icon of the original, and by then oop Canoness.To bling her up, some scrollwork was added to the backpack, she is standing on a Skull covered base and has two forgeworld servo-skulls
circling her as wound markers.

These days she stands in as my Living Saint model, and goes to the table every time I play.  My regular opposition have learned to hate her.

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^^; I only have a photo of my Saint, too.




Not as pretty as the others, I guess, since she's just in basic Martyred Lady colours, by this is my Ephrael Stern.



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Hiya folks,


Here's my first Battle Sister. Colour scheme is inspired by a John Blanche (?) artwork in the Codex. Haven't progressed to the point of building an army, just really dig the whole concept of Nuns with Guns :woot:





Finished in Vallejo Model Colour and the previous Citadel colours. This was done back in '06 or '07. Haven't done much since due to an intercontinental relocation, family and life stuff.

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And my second post... a Penitent Engine... done about the same time as the above Battle Sister.





I prefer the ashen city waste of this base to that of the Battle Sister, and I'll probably stick with that going forward...

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She's still pretty cool, Harris, even if she's not very Sororitas ;) I'd love to use her for a roleplaying character, for example.

I was young and foolish when I got to cutting her up, I still love the dynamism and story of the pose, but in general I agree, the Eldar parts detract from the overall theme, Which is why she doesn't get much table time.

Sculpting is not currently a skill in my kitbag, and I have never had the time to Aquire the patience to do the kind if resculpt sisters require for food conversion.


Girl, you need to get some pictures up here!

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Well, um, actually... I have a bit of a confession to make.


^^; I can't paint. I'm really, really bad at it. Not just the technical skill, but in making myself do it. So really... the only painted things I have are basic, blocked out vehicles and my Necrons, who are a case of "paint it silver and wash it black". >>

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wow, Tarok, that's some really nice skin and hair tones you have there. Really like that.


I've got this one picture so far,



This was my test model for the sister's I'm currently in the progress of painting (slowly), and I placed it next to Telion as I think the size difference is just right for a marine in carapace and a human in power armour.


edit: Forgot to say the gamma is a bit off on the photo, for which I'm sorry. I hope the future pictures with more sisters on it will be slightly better.

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I'm interested in getting into this but don't share too many pictures outside of Facebook, and I'm not sure how those links will work, well, outside of Facebook.
So my question is: what do you guys use as your image hosts? What should I use to put some stuff up here? I wanna show off my mediocre painting skills for some reason :D

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A Retributor.  I got tired of the same head.  This is actually a wood elf head.  Female Human heads are hard to come by.



Two More Retributors setting up a strong point in a ruin


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Thanks! I'm pleased with how they came out and they're a hit around my FLGS as well. I'm even more confident now that someone of your obvious skill level has complimented me :D May get some new pics of my vehicles up, soon, too.

Now I just need money for more models.... 

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  • 2 months later...

That looks pretty cool... we're looking at a Mk1 Tank combined with a Leman Russ kit, yeah? Battle Cannon, TL Autocannon and a pair of multi-melta sponsons?


I'd say inferno cannons would be more Sisterly than the AC though.

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I used a Mark IV Female battle tank as the base, the sponsons work perfectly. I used the weapons and a hatch from a Leman Russ. The upper hull and turret are modified from a Panzer Kampfwagen II kit. I agree the weapon load out is not very sister like, it's just what I had at the moment. All weaponry is removable and I plan on going with either an Inferno Cannon or Melta Cannon or both. The Autocannon will probably become another multi-melta.

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