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+ Sisters of Battle Painting, Converting, Love, Etc. +


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  • 2 years later...

Necroing this to recommend keeping it. Even though there are a few broken images, this thread has some fantastic work in it, and from a lot of Frater who are no longer active, so it would be irreplaceable if deleted. Additionally, I think this kind of topic might even recieve new pictures posted from current members :P


I'm not nearly as good at painting as the people posting earlier in this thread, and I've posted these images elsewhere but here's my contribution (also I apologize for the crappy picture quality, I'm not much of a photographer).

The Order of the Glorious Reprisal






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  • 1 month later...

I've been slowly showing my Horde of Pewter Adepta Sororitas some love......One thing really bug me was the Order logos...So I resolved it, by ordering decals from chapter customizer.


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