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+ Sisters of Battle Painting, Converting, Love, Etc. +


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 I had actually found similar axes on ebay last night with the Imperium wings on them.  It might be worth looking into.


The website I linked has an ebay trading account. You are probably referring to the same parts (I linked the Imperial Axes, they also do "Space Marine Axes")

Did the ebay ones look like this?


Trading with them directly can save you a few £ / $ on shipment and exchange rates, though very minimal...


Yes, those are the ones.  I will be dealing with them in the future. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Amargorojo
So has anyone worked on a new Dat file for the Sisters? I got some of it done. But not sure of all the stuff I can delete and how to add all the new guys.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Meh, I don't see it as manly, I see them as battle worn and tired. Faces that have seen far more than most humans and through faith and sheer grit keep marching anyway. I really hope they don't get the beautification treatment if they ever get remade with accentuated sexual curves that are not necessary in the 41st Millenia. If you want that, got to the 'Emperors Finest' brothel on Vergil VI.


I am also going to edit in that I love the blues in that paint job Wolf...fantastic work, and I think the shading on the faces is heavy, but it still works very well for accentuation, may I ask what wash you used to achieve it? Or is it just black?

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I'm a long time lurker here, but have very rarely posted.  I have really enjoyed this thread and thought I might share what I've been working on.  I'm almost finished the army, and this thread has reinvigorated me to complete.  Thanks to all.



Imolator conversion

Exorcist Close up


Battle sisters



Saint Celistine

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some excellent work in this thread, everyone! Thanks for sharing!


While I don't own a Sororitas army myself, I hope you won't mind if I just peek my head in and share the Sister I built for my INQ28 collection. Meet Sister Euphrati Eisen, of the Order of the Martyred Sword:














She's the only model in my entire collection that actually has a beauty spot ;)




Plus that (accidental) texture buildup above her lips actually does work as the kind of scar you usually see in GW's Sororitas artwork, doesn't it? ;)

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Thanks! :) And you're mostly correct: The torso and legs came from a Dark Eldar Kabalite warrior, while the head is from the Immolator gunner. Beyond that, there are lots and lots of little bits and bobs from various sources: The backpack is actually a shaved down GK backpack with censers from a Dark Vengeance Chosen. The sword came from the Bretonnian Knights. And the arms are shaved down arms from the old WFB Empire Knights of the White Wolf. Making an entire squad of these would probably be far too costly and complicated -- which is why I am glad I only intended to create one Sister in the first place ;)

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Thanks! :smile.: And you're mostly correct: The torso and legs came from a Dark Eldar Kabalite warrior, while the head is from the Immolator gunner. Beyond that, there are lots and lots of little bits and bobs from various sources: The backpack is actually a shaved down GK backpack with censers from a Dark Vengeance Chosen. The sword came from the Bretonnian Knights. And the arms are shaved down arms from the old WFB Empire Knights of the White Wolf. Making an entire squad of these would probably be far too costly and complicated -- which is why I am glad I only intended to create one Sister in the first place :wink:

I really should have recognised the KotWW bits, since I set aside the same bits for my never-finished DCAs, lol.

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