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+ Sisters of Battle Painting, Converting, Love, Etc. +


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That is a very nice colour scheme, and a nicely representative small army, although I cringe at the winged Celestine as usual, heh.


Just out of interest what makes you cringe?  


The artwork in the book has her with wings so it makes sense to convert the model to have wings.  I personally dislike the cloak thing on the model and think wings look better.





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For the pictures as well as for my model, I always thought of Celesine's wings as more of a vision, more light than matter, a visual byproduct of her divine aura, rather than physically attached, real grown wings. The later would really not fit quiet right with the Sisters, in my opinion. But as far as decorative artificial wings go, why should they only be legit on a jump- or other backpack? Couldn't a decorative pair of artificial wings, just as well be attached to St. Katherine's armour directly?

Most importantly though, I think she looks cooler with, than without them.:cool.:

And while we're at it, why is it always wings OR cloak? I like 'em both and consequently my Celestine has wings AND cloak!

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That is a very nice colour scheme, and a nicely representative small army, although I cringe at the winged Celestine as usual, heh.


Just out of interest what makes you cringe?  


The artwork in the book has her with wings so it makes sense to convert the model to have wings.  I personally dislike the cloak thing on the model and think wings look better.






Because quite a few fans are more dogmatic than the most traditionalist Ecclesiastic missionary and thus choose to interpret the wings as mutation rather than a manifestation of the power of the Emperor Our God.


Pity them, brother, for they have not Faith to light their way.  :P 

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Just out of interest what makes you cringe?  


The artwork in the book has her with wings so it makes sense to convert the model to have wings.  I personally dislike the cloak thing on the model and think wings look better.





I think they look silly. The wings on the artwork are clearly artistic licence (it's presented as a piece of in-universe artwork). If they were 'real' wings, it would mark her as a mutant or worse, abhuman... and full feathered wings on backpacks are just... yeah, silly.

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Just out of interest what makes you cringe?  


The artwork in the book has her with wings so it makes sense to convert the model to have wings.  I personally dislike the cloak thing on the model and think wings look better.





I think they look silly. The wings on the artwork are clearly artistic licence (it's presented as a piece of in-universe artwork). If they were 'real' wings, it would mark her as a mutant or worse, abhuman... and full feathered wings on backpacks are just... yeah, silly.


On the other hand, I also think it's an entirely appropriate style to say that your army is also creative license - that is to say, it also represents an idealized form of the actual in-universe creatures it depicts.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't even one of the sons of the Emperor, beloved by all, bear a pair of wings?

A figure of pity, suffering as he did from pre-natal warp exposure and the malignant touch of the Dark Gods. He was beloved for his stoic refusal of their siren call and not for the mutation with which they afflicted him.
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Sanguinius was one of the most beloved of Primarchs, not a figure of pity. And being a child of the God Emperor, created in His own likeness, I would not be so quick to call the wings of the Angel a mutation. Are you so certain that the God Emperor did not intend for his son to bear said wings?


(Note: It's up for debate if Sanguinius' wings are a mutation from the radiation on Baal or were by design by the Emperor himself)

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... I would not be so quick to call the wings of the Angel a mutation.

Show me a true breeding strain of humanity with wings and I might contemplate whether they're a mutation or not. I note that none of his sons inherit his wings. Homo sapiens variatus exhibit similarly animalistic traits and are well known for their susceptibility to the Malign influence.
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The Emperor says to stop talking bad about his perfect angel boy.


On a more SoB related note, I feel I need a ministorum priest type name to go by in this forum. Of course, I don't really expect anyone to pay me any mind, but I just figured I should have something related to the OP if I'm going to post (although I really do want a eclesiarchal name . . . )

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Ok let's see f this works.


This is my Order of the Bloody Rose so far.


First up Celestine (note wings ar attached to backpack)




Other Characters




Seraphim, with flame pistols and inferno pistols




Retributers Multi Meltas and superior with an inferno pistol. I did this before checking if they could take one so it now counts as a combi bolter.




Transport, I haven't glued the Meltas in place so they can be swapped out.




And finally the sisters squads









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Ooooh.  Where'd the pudgy sister with the Thunder Hammer come from?  She looks like she's from some sort of space Robin Hood and I dig it.

It's an old Mordeim Sister of Sigmar that has been in my bits box for years. I wanted something to represent a Minostorum Priest but also wanted an all female army for last years Armies on Parade.





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I agree; thanks for the input! It might be a while before I paint anything because I just finally started painting and I'll need more practice on my blood angels before I'll feel comfortable even attempting to paint my sisters.

But you've made the first step :wink:

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@Vogon: Nice army, I like your colors. The white visors look great. And did I spot a Rogue Trader SoB in your force?

The model is actually a female Space Marine, but GW retconned the fluff, so now she's technically a Sister of Battle (There were no SoB models in Rogue Trader - only the FemMarine)

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