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+ Sisters of Battle Painting, Converting, Love, Etc. +


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@Vogon: Nice army, I like your colors. The white visors look great. And did I spot a Rogue Trader SoB in your force?


Hi Nightpaw, Aquilanus has it partially right it's not a SoB but it is in fact an Adventurer (or Adventuress if you prefer) from the early days, there is also an Assasin from the same era in the other characters photo.





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They may not have been titled as sisters of battle in the White Dwarf (in fact they were titled as "Female Warriors") but if you take a closer look at the decoration of their shoulder pads you will notice that they are the same as that of the sister of battle graphic in the Rogue Trader rulesbook.

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New to this part of the forum, but I have been building a mashup Sisters of Silence / Sisters of Battle / Black Templar army:




Just came across the second kickstarter by Raging Heros for Toughest Girls in the Galaxy V2 that is still open to pledges that has ALOT of potential for great conversions and character models. If this is already well-covered in another post you have my apologies, but I just put down on my pledge and they updated yesterday with some great pics of some of the model sculpts & masters, here's the link to the kickstarter and some pics:










Pretty much what I always wanted the Sisters to look like. The image from the cover of their codex bears a lot of similarities to these models than the ones GW put out. Perhaps this will give GW some inspiration...


And as a last little treat, here's a pic of my rendition of "Joan of Templar"



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The !Seraphim are the only ones of the troops that aren't garbage, the rest look like retro futuristic strippers from an 80s sci-fi B movie.


Curious, just in a very general, broad stokes...


With just a little bit of work, how does this:




Not resemble this:




Just needs a book and bolter! I think some of those models bear a much better resemblance to artist renderings than the GW figures.

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My issues with TGG models aren't as severe as others, however:


  • The scale of the models doesn't usually fit with GW.
  • I don't like all the 'bling' they cram onto their models (admitedly, GW does this more now, too).
  • For most of the models, I despise the posing.
  • High heels do not belong on Sisters of Battle.  Have you ever seen a nun in high-heels who didn't actually work in the sex industry?

That said, those Seraphim models look good.

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The combat heels are also pretty appalling... but I'd probably use the model anyway. Maybe I could find a way to fix the feet.


The problem isn't just with the heels. It's a well posed figure for what it is, but what it is is a fashion model strutting down a runway. The legs cross over each other and the feet point in opposite direction to the legs they're attached to. This is why one side of her hips is sticking way up. Put some spikes on her and I could see her as a Dark Eldar with her sassy, suggestive swagger, but not a Sister of Battle. Sisters of Battle are soldiers of the God Emperor, and their stances should be wide and stable. Even the way she's holding up the trophy seems wrong. She's holding it on top of her palm raising it upward with the back of her hand forward. I can't quite articulate why exactly that looks wrong, but it does not suggest the zealous aggression of Sisters to me, and again makes me think of a Wych.


But that's just my 2p.

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God-Emperor....no wonder GW doesn't want to redo the Sisters range.


No sculpt would please this crowd.

All we want is power armoured women with sensible boots instead of high heels, and not sexualised poses. It's really not that hard to please us.

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God-Emperor....no wonder GW doesn't want to redo the Sisters range.


No sculpt would please this crowd.

I like the current sculpts and aesthetic, the sole exception being the Repentia, which don't do much for me one way or the other.


What I don't like is "cheesecake" and pin-up style design or posing for 40k. Not in official art and definitely not in the model range. Amusing fan art is OK.


I might feel different about the TGG line if I could think about it as anything other than a wannabe Sisters line. They are fine as anything but 40k Sisters, but that's all people are pushing them as: proxies for an unforthcoming Sisters rerelease. Soda Pop minis don't bother me, for instance, because they are what they are and that is their own thing. I don't have to hold them against my beloved Sisters figures and judge them as a successor. But TGG and its online hype as the hot new Sisters replacement is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Statuesque or Victoria heads on Space Marine bodies or converted Eldar figures is a much better way to go if for whatever reason the proper minis are unavailable, IMO.

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The models the Sisters currently have, are by and large fine. In fact, I've gotten to like them a lot :smile.: Whilst it'd be very nice to get new sculpts, the main issue I have with what is left of the range is - complete lack of posibility (if that is even a word). I just want to be able to vary the poses my Sisters have.


Plastic will allow that in spades.


Also, six-thousand posts! :blink.:

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I am actually interested in the TGG sisters Repentia stand ins, a little. The huntress as an or do hereticus inquisitor is appealing (hope they fix her three lip mouth). But apart from some of the freebies, I'm mostly looking to pick up herald of slaanesh and seeker stand ins. Love the aesthetic of the current line, though I would prefer different repentia.


I have gone through the trouble of disfiguring a good amount of Sisters models to make a head mold so that I can swap out a Sisters bare head just by drilling it out and dropping in a replacement. Don't have any of the molded heads in much of my Argent Shroud sisters. I am still fleshing out my Martyred Lady force and the half dozen or so additions will all have variant heads. Next up will be Sacred Rose and I want all of them to be helmeted, especially the Seraphim.

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  • 4 weeks later...


The !Seraphim are the only ones of the troops that aren't garbage, the rest look like retro futuristic strippers from an 80s sci-fi B movie.



Curious, just in a very general, broad stokes...


With just a little bit of work, how does this:




Not resemble this:






Just needs a book and bolter! I think some of those models bear a much better resemblance to artist renderings than the GW figures.

Woah. I need that burning sword.

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  • 1 month later...

My weird army of Sisters and Wolves so far! Lots of conversion work and many tiny bottles of paints later...still not 100% finished, but I've gotten many of them to a good point I think. Sorry for some of the bad quality pictures. Camera just didn't agree with lighting.


Overview of my 1000 point army



Drop Pod and Blood Claws led by a Wolf Priestess (the scythe wielding one)



Group of BSS and some wolves. Long Fangs holding up the rear~



Small group of melta sisters with an immolator (hand made turret from land raider bits)



Same melta girls with the Long Fangs again



Celestine and her pack of wolves~



Close up of the Wolf Priestess. She's missing her white mask in this one.



Celestine close up



Immolator and Drop Pod



Opened Pod



Bonus WIP Bjorn the Fellhanded conversion.



Side view. This beasty is going to be frightening!


And yes, hard to see, but the walking throne Bjorn is smashing a Space Wolf into the snow under foot.

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