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Khorne army

Khaines wrath

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Guys I just decided that I have been playing long enough and I should stop using noob armies and step back to my fav army so far khorne daemons so I am goin to buy some stuff for armies around 1750-2000 I have copied lists from my various post to give you an idea of stuff that I may be up against so it may be a bit weird at times but here are some lists




One is running

2 squads of thousand sons w sorcerers and bolt and melta bombs

In a rhino w havoc launcher

Sorcerer w bolt wind of chaos and wings tzeentch and melta bombs

10 terminators w auto cannon flamer, mark of nurgle 3 chain fists 2 lightning claws 3 combi weapons

Chaos marines aspiring champ with powerfist plas pistol icon chaos heavy bolter and melta bombs

Chaos space marines w tzeentch champ with power sword plas pistol heavy bolter pas gun

Predator w top las cannon and side las cannons w extra armour and combi wep

Chaos slaanesh lord with daemon wep and power fist


Another is using

Captain combi flamer artificer armour power fist melta bombs and digital weapons hellfire rounds on a bike

Vulcan he'stan

Master of forge w conversion Beamer and storm bolter

Vulnerable dreadnought w stormbolter and assault cannon


Tactical squad w chain sword missile launcher and flamer in rhino w 2 storm bolters

Scout squad close combat weapons heavy bolter and camp cloaks

3 scout bikes Sargent w power sword grenade launcher and cluster mines

Bike squad w plas pistol power fist melta gun multi melta and attack bike

Devastator squad w 3 plasma cannons and las cannon


Warboss with nobs in trukk

30 boyz


Dp of tzeentch

Shock attack gun

And more boyz


Kroot in transport

3 forge world suits?

Hammerhead gunship

Lots of standard troops


Hq with suit

And some rail guns


Another gk player


5 pallies

5 termies


Assassin with gun




Not too sure about Templars

Hellbrechit with some elite squad with apothecary

Sword brethren

Lots of scouts



Drop pod

Not sure what else



Sanguinary guard

Some black armoured power fist jump infantry( can't think of name)








hq kaldor

Libby sanctuary quicksilver summoning and some other jizz


10 pallies 7 halberds 2 hammers and flag

4 psycannon all master crafted


dreadknight or 2 x assassins


5 man strike squad with one of each cc weapon w extra sword psycannon in a rhino




3 acolytes



( note something's he is not sure what to choose or if he is using it if that is case I will label a * next to it)




*tervigon w crushing claws


3x hive guard

10 ymargl genes

10 ymargl genes


3 warriors w strangler 2death spitters and toxin sacs

3 warriors w strangler 2x bone swords w toxin sacs


30 hormagaunts w toxin sacs

30 hormagaunts w toxin sacs


30 gargoyles w toxin sacs

30 gargoyles w toxin sacs

30 gargoyles w toxin sacs



trygon prime

* tyrannofex w rupture cannon discator larvae regen

* 3x biovores



So guys please make me a themed khorne list

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Well I'll be the first to say that it doesn't matter too much hat your opponents are using; if you want a 'proper' Khorne army, you want to dedicate your army to close combat; maybe with a little long range support thrown in.

Khorne Lords on Juggernaught, with the Axe of Blinding Fury are great. You'll want a medium/ big unit of Bikers to bodyguard him, or a unit of 4 - 5 spawn.

CSM squads and Berserkers are very similar in terms of damage in CC, so it depends on whether you want the extra ranged attacks, or Fearless; each unit has it's good points.

Khorne bikers can put out a lot of attacks and are very capable. Give them Plasma Guns/ Melta guns and have fun.

The rest of your list really depends on your play style, though taking one or two Heldrakes with  Baleflamers will certainly give you a very powerful start to an army against everything that doesn't have a 2+ save.

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Chaos Lord
- Mark of Khorne
- Axe of Blind Fury
- Terminator Armour
- Combi Plasma
- Veterans of the Long War

Chaos Terminators
- 2x Terminator
- Mark of Khorne
- Veterans of the Long War
- Combi Plasma
- Power Fist
- Chainfist
- Icon of Wrath

Khorne Berzerkers
- 3x Berzerkers
- Power Weapon    
- Melta Bombs    
- Veterans of the Long War

Khorne Berzerkers
- 3x Berzerkers
- Power Weapon
- Melta Bombs
- Veterans of the Long War

Khorne Berzerkers
- 3x Berzerkers
- Power Weapon
- Melta Bombs
- Veterans of the Long War

Chaos Space Marines
- 5x Marines
- Mark of Khorne
- Veterans of the Long War
- Power Weapon
- Melta Bombs    
- Autocannon    
- Flamer
- Icon of Vengeance

Chaos Space Marines
- 5x Chaos Marines    
- Mark of Khorne    
- Veterans of the Long War
- Power Weapon    
- Melta Bombs    
- Autocannon    
- Flamer    
- Icon of Vengeance

- Baleflamer    

- 1x Obliterator    
- Mark of Khorne    
- Veterans of the Long War    

- Mark of Khorne    
- Veterans of the Long War    



- Mark of Khorne

- 4x Autocannon

- Veterans of the Long War

Total:    1996 Points



This is my list of choice and it has survived several battles since the codex came out. It is an allrounder and I love it just for that. The whole army has the Mark of Khorne and Veterans of the Long War, which if you face xenos you can drop and add an additional Obliterator.


Now a rundown:


Lord: Nasty bugger who deeps strikes with his terminators and deletes units. Best against masses. 


Terminators: The Delete unit of the army. Deep strike them close to something dangerous or valuable and use rapid fire plasma to kill it. Next turn just go nom nom.


Berzerkers: They are the screaming power armor shield that runs across the board. Somehow people concentrate to much on them and that is simply great.


Chaos Marines: Objective takes, holders and nasty buggers all. They can shoot, they can fight and they can support. The Swiss knife of the army.


Obliterators: 2 of them work as fire support, one is a deep strike multimelta ninja. All three can be ninjas too. Khrone + Powerfist = something dies


Helldrake: General nuisance for the enemy, MEQ concentrate insane firepower on it, too bad that the berzerkers than move unmolested. 


Havocs: Autocannons are great allrounders, cheap and effective. 



My 2 cents.



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I have not faced an IG mech list but I have faced several times an ork trukk list, I have won two times and lost three times but it was well worth the experience. While I have six autocannons to pop up the transports if the adversary goes for armor saturation this list can have some problems. Hopefully the transports die to cannon fire but I always keep on my squads melta bombs just in case. It works better against Land Raiders since rarely you see more than two in a game but if you face five or more trukks it can be tricky.


I solved two times the problem with deep strike terminators and obliterators, but this is a one trick pony, if all goes well it gets the job done in a marvelous way, otherwise you are in for a rough ride. As for the Khorne army the ork players will too strive to get the first charge, the priority is to prevent it even if you have to sacrifice a berzerker unit for it.


On the other side as a long time IG player I know exactly what the adversary has on his side thus I would charge, and charge and charge again ripping transports in suicidal attacks. If all goes by plan the chimeras are dust, my berzerkers take the burnt of enemy fire, my chaos marines, terminators, flamer obliterators and the drake finish the guardsmen. If it does not go to plan...well we are the faithful of Khorne, our skulls are welcome too.  


All in all I do not advocate my list as great, but it is balanced for the gameplay in my gameclub. It gets the job done provided you plan accordingly. 

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