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Spawn vs Plague Ogryn


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Hi guys. I have a rat themed nurgle marine army with servants of decay allies. I am about to trade for some skaven rat ogres (probably around 10 of them) and i've been trying to think how to field them, either as chaos spawn (most likely with MoN) or as plague ogryn. I was wondering what you guys think




30 each (36 with MoN) 

max squad size 5

maxed out squad 180 points


ws   bs   s   t       w   i   a     Ld   Sv

3       0   5   5(6)  3   3   d6   10   -



Very Bulky

random mutations



Plague Ogryn


40 points each

max squad size 10

maxed out squad 400 points



ws   bs   s   t   w   i   a     Ld   Sv

4      2    6   5   3  3  d6    8      5+


feel no pain

poison (2+)


it doesn't say bulky but i guess they are meant to be




The ogryn seem more survivable by quite some way. also they wound anything on a 2 which is pretty sweet. d6 attacks each although sawn have the advantage of rage on the charge. the ogryn have no shooting attacks despite the BS however they could potentially man an emplaced gun. the spawn are fast meaning they are likely to get a charge quickly however 6 ogryn can get in a chimera cheaply and go rushing at the enemy.


i think both units have their strong points, i was wondering if you guys have any thoughts? which do you think is best? how would you use the unit. 


I had thought about shoving 10 ogryn in my storm eagle just to see what happens when they assault out of it in the back field however that is a horrific points drain (easily 650) 





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I would take spawns, because they reach faster, pose more imminent threat than slow walking ogryns.


But then again, spawns occupy much contended fast-attack, while ogryns are in elite section which aren't so hot..

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