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Rifleman dreads - Codex rules - any good?


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I'm thinking of converting an old AoBR dread into a two TLAC dread (aka rifleman). It seems like a flexible conversion, since I can use Forge World Mortis rules if allowed or regular Codex rules if not. My question is: how good is the rifleman without the Mortis rules? Is it worth fielding without the skyfire rules?

Riflemen Dreads were very common in 5th Ed, because of a prevalence of AV10 and AV 11 transport vehicles. 4 x TL S7 shots per turn could happily knock out transports from long range all day long. Their utility still remains the same, but their usefulness will depend on whether you face a lot of AV10 and AV11. A lot of people are running fewer transports in 6th Ed.


Edit - I'm thinking that I might try a Lascannon/Autocannon variant. Its 20 points more expensive than the Rifleman, but you get better utility against AV 12 and 13.


As an aside, I think the best Rifleman in the game is the Grey Knights Psyfleman - all the benefits of a normal rifleman, but Strength 8 weapons.

I'm going to run 2 lascannon/ autocannon riflemen occasionally.


The points cost for 2 is the same as 2 Mortis dreads (1x Lascannons/ 1 x autocannons) so if I can't run as Mortis they'll be riflemen by swapping the arms.


Edit: Well when I get a non-warped Mortis autocannon.




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