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Flyer - Landing issues.


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Hi Vets,


Appreciate your advice on the following:


Skimmers can end their turn on any surface (even on impassable terrain) - as long as they are able to BALANCE themselves (+ the usual >1" from enemy models).


Does this rule applies to Flyers in zooming mode as well?

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Actually Pg 80 only mentions abt Zooming Flyer base must be > 1" from enemy model.


What i actually wanted to confirm is the first part - whether Flyer when landing on impassable terrain - player must ensure it can balance - otherwise must shift accordingly.

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Actually Pg 80 only mentions abt Zooming Flyer base must be > 1" from enemy model.


What i actually wanted to confirm is the first part - whether Flyer when landing on impassable terrain - player must ensure it can balance - otherwise must shift accordingly.

"A Zooming Flyer can move over intervening units and impassible terrain exactly as a Skimmer.  In addition, a Zooming Flyer does not have to take Dangerous Terrain tests even if it starts or stops over difficult, dangerous, or impassible terrain.", BRB, pg.80.

Seems pretty clear to me.


Also.  There is no "only if it balances" caveat.  What you're referring to is :

"A Skimmer can even end its move over impassible terrain if it is possible to actually place the modelon top of it, but...", BRB, pg.83

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So can a player actually let his flyer end the turn on the roof of a pointy building, but has no means to stabilize/balance the model? 

IMO, yeah.  BRB, pg.11, Wobbly Model Syndrome.


The difference between "physically placed" and "balanced" is the difference between "placing" your model on that pointy building and then setting it down somewhere safe and moving it back to its agreed upon position if someone needs to measure range to it


"placing" your model 4' above the table in thin air so that no weapons are in range to fire at it.

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