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What do you do with 'spare' points?


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Hello all,


We've all, no doubt, had this trouble before. You write up an army list which you are perfectly happy with but then you end up having leftover points with nothing really worthwhile to spend them on. So, what do you do?


I am in this quandary at the moment. Have my list written up and I am happy with everything I've included and I don't particularly fancy changing anything about it. The trouble is I have 90 points spare and I don't know what to do with them. 


My choices seem to be limited; a 5 man Tac or Dev squad with no options, a 4 man scout bike squad, or a Whirlwind... All of which are decisively 'meh'!


What do you do under these circumstances?


Do you take something 'just because'? Take a small scoring unit or something to distract your enemy with? Or try and fiddle with the army to squeeze in something that will make a valuable contribution?


Asking for help, and also curious about other people do when they seem to meet a brick wall head on!







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5 sniper scouts are good, and a Whirlwind is better than "meh," in my opinion, if you don't feel as if you need more scoring bodies. It's once you get below 90 points laying around that I have a harder time using them. 35 points or so is such an awkward remainder.

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Don't have my codex handy, but with a minimum sized Dev squad, you "should" be able to acquire at least 1 heavy bolter or missle launcher for them, because if you can't, the only reason I see nowadays to take a squad like that would be if you have an armed fortification and use the sgt to man the gun. If you're not using fortification,  then go with a small scoring unit like scouts or Tac squad (giving the Tac sgt. something), or boosting other squads with more bodies, ie if you have a Death Company, that's 4 more DC, one of which having a hand flamer of power weapon.

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Bling? Though I'd be hesitant about 90 points worth of bling. If you're not adequately covered for FnP, a jump priest might be the way forward. Alternatively, if he's not likely to be good or if he could be a liability (the amount of kill point games I seem to roll makes him one) then a sniper scout squad could be decent. 5 sniper scouts with camo cloaks, or 6 sniper scouts (but getting a 3+ cover save on an objective is worth it) - they probably won't make much of a tangible impact on the game until your opponent suddenly realises that they need dealt with or you'll win because of them. Finally, I wouldn't be so quick to pooh-pooh the whirlwind. Devastating against horde armies, and its not too shabby against marine armies either with the S5 option. I've been relatively pleased with mine on the occasion I've fielded it. I'd definitely field either a whirly or a sniper scout unit at 90 points.

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My current collection consists of:


DC + Char in a fully pack Pod

2x Furioso in pods

Priest + 2 10 man JAS

Baal Predator


90 points on 'bling' is a bit much, everything is already fairly maxed out as it is. My main opponent plays DA - RW/DW and Scouts, for that reason I hoped to steer clear of bikes and/or scouts and concentrate on things that are generally unique to BA. My other main opponent plays Chaos Marines, and they both play Infantry heavy lists. 


For the moment we are generally only playing each other, but we do intend to start frequenting the local games store for games down there. 


Two MMAB would be a good choice. I can drop one DC and upgrade one of the Axes to a Fist and free up 10 points for the MMAB. I don't particularly fancy paying £36 for a couple of attack bikes, though. Maybe if I can find some for cheap on Ebay...

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My DA buddy used his bikes again today, he brought along a MMAB. He popped my Baal with it, one shot, one kill. I know that MMAB are good, still hesitant about taking them as they're not really unique to BA and I'm trying to stick to things that only we can take as much as possible. 


Whirlwinds and Attack Bikes seem to be the popular choices for you guys. I'll see if he'll let me proxy a WW for our next game.

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