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Space hell I hate 6th. All the new codex stats are weak. The epidemius build isn't that great, either- oh well, guess we can check that off the list of Nurgle builds. So that leaves us with, let's see, standard PM + Helldrake bike spam, and Zombie horde. Meh.

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Only effects Daemons of Nurgle within 6" and tally works based on unsaved wounds caused by Daemons of Nurgle:


7+: +1 Strength

14+: +1 Toughness

21+: 2+ poison

28+: 4+ Feel No Pain


Neeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrff baaaaaaaaaaaaaat. He's completely useless as an ally now. I'm going to play him as much as possible this week! :P

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They were all like "Let's have Allies in this edition so that the two armies that are supposed to be one (Chaos and Chaos) can be together again!"


Then they were all like "Let's utterly neuter them so that they aren't worth taking ever again!"



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On the other hand, if they continue to keep codexes at this power level and release them all within a short space of time, everything will have a similar power level...

Yeah, because few units work right. huh.png If everyone sucks, that will be balanced, but until they re-do all the 4th ed books, IG, GKs, and stinky 'crons are going to continue to be the best. Anyway, I wouldn't wish the nerf-fest on anyone- even those blasted GKs. I would rather that the new books beefed up factions rather than increase the power discrepancy.

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