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New Heavy Support choice

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Looking on the Forgeworld website, I noticed the Spartan rules allows you to include it in a CSM army as a heavy support choice. link here

What are people's thoughts on this? I'm currently scratch building a spartan (will cost roughly £20-£30) for my Heresy force, and the thought of having one for my 40k army is very enticing!

Which would be the better armament for 40k, Heavy bolters, Reapers or heavy flamers? Is daemonic possession worth it?

Also, why would you ever take laser destroyer over quad lascannons? (I know this doesn't appy to the chaos version, but still)

Note: I realise the whole FW not allowed in tournaments/store thing. But I mainly play again friends who have no problem with fielding cool stuff - Sorry Jeske, guess this rules you out of the discussion msn-wink.gif

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As with all FW things, and as you mentioned, you can't use it in most cases, but as a standalone choice, it's friggin' amazing.


For 40 points more than a chaos landraider, you can get a tank with one more hullpoint, immunity to melta rules, two extra twin-las shots, a reaper autocannon upgrade, and improved transport capacity. If that wasn't already enough reason to take it, you get power of the machine spirit as well, which the chaos landy seriously needs.


Kinda shows why FW choices aren't normally allowed in a nutshell. Every chaos player would be playing with three if it were in the actual codex.

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It doesn't get PotMS though, states that in the rules sadly :(




Yes I agree with you fully on that, however as people rightly point out, if tournaments/stores don't allow them, most people won't consider them legal, regardless of what's correct.  Also these rules are stamped experimental, so opponents permission only.


Regardless, My friends won't have an issue playing against any FW stuff I get. I'm after views on it's viability in a regular game of 40k. Reapers as an upgrade then? is Daemonic possession worth it?


As for Transport, who's best to get in there? I was thinking of my Termie lord and a bunch of CC termie bodyguard, any thoughts?

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This is a tasty burger...err, assault tank!


of course, obvious faction-ism is obvious: no PotMS but same points cost for chaos? is it because we are black (legion)?


no armored ceramite hurts, too (transports are bound to reach melta-range). daemonic possession, while fun (nomnom), isn't really good, as few things penetrate AV14.


compaired to the HH rules, the laser destroyer has lost AP1. maybe that's a typo, but it sure invalidates this option completely.


I'd say take 2 extra heavy flamers. Reaper and MM plus 4 lascans are overkill against most vehicles and chaos can't split fire anyway, so have a little anti-horde to clear your assault ramp.


but what would you put inside? 20 berzerkers? 10 melee terminators? 3 mutilators (LOL)? at least it's an assault vehicle!


>300 points. Worth it?


and then I come to think of how a loyalist (or HH) one with armored ceramite and 3 techmarines inside might do on the battlefield...


Oh and don't worry about FW. The stamp is clearly visible.

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I read the FAQ for the new imperial armour, and it states that laser destroyer should be AP2 across the board, so I don't think it's a typo.


Odd that HH is AP1 and not FAQ'd, but hey, I didn't want them anyway :D


Yeah I think 300 points is worth it to transport my Termie lord and 10 strong bodyguard, Just a shame you can't buy it as a dedicated transport ;) As I'll be using Tartaros/deathshroud/justaerin armour to represent my IW lord and Termies, they'll all fit nicely together and will go towards my pre-heresy as well!


Guess I best get on with it then! H Flamer mounts instead of the H bolter looks like a good option then, I'll do that.

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sure, why not. if you already put all your eggs in that basket, make it comfy (and hope it delivers before you meet a meltagun =/).


I'm thinking more along the lines of:


*************** 2 HQ ***************


Legion Praetor

- Cataphractii armour

+ - Combi-flamer

- Paragon blade

- Grenade harness

- Chem-Munitions


Deathshroud Terminator Squad

10 Deathshroud Terminators

- Melta bombs


*************** 1 Elite ***************


Techmarine Covenant

+ - Power axe

- Combi-melta

- Rad grenades

- Servo-arm

+ - Power axe

- Combi-melta

- Servo-arm

+ - Power axe

- Combi-melta

- Servo-arm


*************** 1 Heavy Support ***************


Legion Spartan Assault Tank

- Quad lascannons

- Twin-linked heavy flamer

- Dozer blade

- Auxiliary drive

- Extra armour

- Armoured ceramite

- Flare shield

- Frag assault launchers

- Chem-Munitions

- Heavy flamer


-->Death Guard : 1192pts


add in pride of the legion, 2 more tech covenants and spartans, 2x 10 terminators with axes/chemflamers, another praetor, mortarion.


note: this is not sparta - this is madness!

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It's nice, but losing good rules and options in exchange for nothing puts a bitter taste in my mouth, to the point that I have no desire to spend money on it.  If GW and FW want to arbitrarily kick chaos players in our shins, then they can suck it and I'll take my money elsewhere.


Even if that's not an issue for you, it costs about the same points as a Storm Eagle.  Just throwing that out there.

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Not a fan of either transport then Jeske? What's your suggestion?


One of the reason's I'm discussing it is because a) I want one for my Pre-heresy army b) I can make one for very little monies


So I figured if I'm having one, and I now find I can take one for my chaos army, why shouldn't I? What's a better option?


Jeske has a rather blunt way of speaking, and I know he's not for everyone, but his opinion's on tourney/optimal lists are always worth listening too and I welcome it, even if I then choose to disregard it :D 

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you walk . if you want to go fast around the table you use bikes or flyers . another option is to use the SW codex and get good rules , like proper POTMS stuff , drop pods etc.


am not talking tournament here as FW is not ok for a lot of them .I know its regional , but for example main land europe it is total no go.

For the same points I could ally in some IG weapon platoforms and get cheap and nice support units.

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Wait its still experimental I wonder when FW are going to update it hopefully they fix the chaos part at least they could give it a price decrease. It looks like a nice tank but I would never use one as it is just costs too much I prefer the storm eagle.
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I would have thought that the point of having an Undivided Forum was to make the best out of the Undivided/ general Chaos units?

If people are posting here it's because they want to use what is available (with the codex they have chosen - C:CSM) and want advice on using it. The last thing people want is to come here and hear 'We should all just be using Space Wolves' because they chose not to play Space Wolves when they started a CSM army.

Back OT: The extra tank looks interesting, but I don't know how practical it would be for the price- it seems very expensive and given that the original Chaos LR was a points sink it strikes me that this will go the same way: over costed, underused and frequently ignored (by Chaos players).

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If people are posting here it's because they want to use what is

available (with the codex they have chosen - C:CSM) and want advice on

using it. The last thing people want is to come here and hear 'We should

all just be using Space Wolves' because they chose not to play Space

Wolves when they started a CSM army.

and they have an option , at least technicly . they can pick something which is bad [chaos eagle , chaos spartan] or get the same game play and use SW . I mean I did write this down or didnt I ?

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Except for the fact that Forge World is now fully integrated with the 6th edition rulebook and compendiums, and has been fully legal for standard 40k game play for two years now.

I wouldnt let ppl use FW stuff, and I dont know anyone who does. Its hard enough keeping up w everyones codex and errata, etc, then I'm supposed to keep up w everything FW spits out too (some of which is pretty crazy) ,  no thanks. Doesnt matter if its legal if ppl, stores and tourneys wont let you use it.

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nope that is not legal , that is what is accepted . in europe "FW legal without asking[]" is what we call a dead law, People in UK or in US can say what they want on the forums , thing is europe is mainly 1500pts , the stuff that actualy gets played from FW is unbalanced [iG sentry guns , rams in 5th , more flyers for armies that already have flyers] and gives nothing to a lot of armies at this points . So people dont accept it and dont play it .+ the fact that the FW teams itself say that FW is w40k apporved but your opponent has to be happy[aka ok] with you to play it ,kind of a gets lost in translation I think , because it is hard to say how is this different from being forced to ask , if someone can use FW stuff. 

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Except for the fact that Forge World is now fully integrated with the 6th edition rulebook and compendiums, and has been fully legal for standard 40k game play for two years now.

I wouldnt let ppl use FW stuff, and I dont know anyone who does. Its hard enough keeping up w everyones codex and errata, etc, then I'm supposed to keep up w everything FW spits out too (some of which is pretty crazy) ,  no thanks. Doesnt matter if its legal if ppl, stores and tourneys wont let you use it.


I don't understand why a store would care. I can see someone who didn't expect to face FW rules being cranky, and I could even understand a tournament trying to keep competition accessible by restricting players to the codex, but why on earth would a store ban certain models from casual play?

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Jeske, everybody has to ask beforehand, regardless of what they're playing. That is just good manners. And that people only play what is unbalanced (aka good) is buisness as usual ;)


Your part of europe may differ from mine (we mostly play 2k here, for instance), but legal (in the sense of  RAW) means "40k-approved", even if people don't accept that...

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