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New Heavy Support choice

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Jeske, everybody has to ask beforehand, regardless of what they're playing. That is just good manners. And that people only play what is unbalanced (aka good) is buisness as usual msn-wink.gif

Your part of europe may differ from mine (we mostly play 2k here, for instance), but legal (in the sense of RAW) means "40k-approved", even if people don't accept that...

I generly just lift them up and tell them to pay their share for using the table . And as FW in germany goes I dont know where you live but no one at the shops I played in berlin used any , neither did any people in Koln . I now it aint much , because neither germany nor europe is made out of X cities , but even looking at german forums you dont find many FW using armies [and am not just talking about those labeled as tournament ones].

I don't understand why a store would care.

stores in general dont like when people play stuff which they dont sell , that starts with big stuff like games they dont support , but doesnt stop at single models .

imagine post game one dudes asks another one where he can get those cool[am not saying they arent] sentry guns [awesome AA and cheap too] and he gets the whole "has to order from FW " , "resin kits" history [and by the way nothing wrong with that] . The problem is what he starts to think . He starts to think , hmm flyers are strong , I dont play IG , but I have to deal with flyers . now trousers of time happen . one dudes goes unbalanced game , why is AA limited ? FW unbalanced bla bla shops loses customers or the customer stops buying as much =shop sad . Or the other thing happens . He thinks time to buy FW unit X , but I cant buy it in my local FW , well time to stop buying stuff from my local shop and start saving up for FW stuff. . shop loses customers and/or he stops buying=shop sad.

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Usually, shops not carrying certain things are just the shop's loss, and they have to deal with it. Tough cookies, that's how things happen. I work for US Cellular. We don't support Apple. I don't get "sad" when people want Apple stuff that we don't sell. They're not our customers. If you're buying ONE model from FW, you're not impacting your store's bottom line that much. If you're buying EVERYTHING from FW, you're not your FLGS's customer, so they never lost your money anyway. 

Sure, I want people to buy stuff from me. But if they want an iPhone SO BAD that they're not going to use US Cellular because I don't carry iPhones, that's the nature of business.

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Usually, shops not carrying certain things are just the shop's loss,

I dont know how it looks in the US , but in europe a shop cant sell FW stuff . If it would and GW would get wind of it , they would stop trading with them +they would hit you with breach of contract etc.



If you're buying EVERYTHING from FW, you're not your FLGS's customer, so they never lost your money anyway.

I know that the level of income is different for not only countries , but sometimes cities or even districts , but I realy doubt that even in the US people have an unlimited pool of cash to spend on models , so that them buying FW stuff doesnt affect their pool of money for hobbies . And even if that was true , it would still lower sales . why? well people with armies that dont have FW units[ones it is realy worth using] would have two do one of three things . A switch army to one that can use FW to even the playfield[ok for those with unlimited cash] B stop playing , because your getting double whooped by people having good dex and FW . C use FW units at all ,unless your nids or crazy enough to play a mono list. Soon the player base would be limited to only those who can buy FW and while for GW that aint a problem , for a FLGS it is . It is kind of a hard to explain to a kids parents that to have a realy army he has to go online and order those direct sale models made out of resin .

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I don't understand why a store would care.


stores in general dont like when people play stuff which they dont sell , that starts with big stuff like games they dont support , but doesnt stop at single models .

imagine post game one dudes asks another one where he can get those cool[am not saying they arent] sentry guns [awesome AA and cheap too] and he gets the whole "has to order from FW " , "resin kits" history [and by the way nothing wrong with that] . The problem is what he starts to think . He starts to think , hmm flyers are strong , I dont play IG , but I have to deal with flyers . now trousers of time happen . one dudes goes unbalanced game , why is AA limited ?   FW unbalanced bla bla shops loses customers or the customer stops buying as much =shop sad . Or the other thing happens . He thinks time to buy FW unit X , but I cant buy it in my local FW , well time to stop buying stuff from my local shop and start saving up for FW stuff. . shop loses customers and/or he stops buying=shop sad.


I can understand the direction the argument is coming from, but I think a strict application is short-sighted. My FLGS only asks that game room users be "regular customers." If they were to hassle me about something like using a Contemptor in a casual game then they would lose considerably more money in potential revenue than the cost of a Contemptor, because I have lots of options for places to buy from and virtually unlimited places to play.


And what are "trousers of time"?

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And what are "trousers of time"?

ah didnt read any Prachet ?





f they were to hassle me about something like using a Contemptor in a

casual game then they would lose considerably more money in potential

revenue than the cost of a Contemptor, because I have lots of options

for places to buy from and virtually unlimited places to play.

if your at the stage of being able to buy whole armies or upgrade whole armies [be it for a new dex or new edition] online , you stop being important to the store . Shops dont care about vets , because they dont rise sells. offten even make them smaller. Imagine having a clone of me in a store , not one box of raptors would never sell.

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And what are "trousers of time"?

ah didnt read any Prachet ?


if your at the stage of being able to buy whole armies or upgrade whole armies [be it for a new dex or new edition] online , you stop being important to the store . Shops dont care about vets , because they dont rise sells. offten even make them smaller. Imagine having a clone of me in a store , not one box of raptors would never sell.


Never read any Pratchett, no.


I wish I was at the stage of being able to buy or upgrade whole armies at one time! I do have a large amount of models and consider myself a veteran, though. The type of store we're discussing might be a point of misunderstanding here, though. I don't shop at GW stores, but rather at an independent reseller. I play a lot more than 40k, so I'm spending money at the store once or twice a month on varied things. I think this "turn and burn" attitude of the GW shops is a curious business plan, and am amazed it seems to do as well as it does.

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I don't shop at GW stores, but rather at an independent reseller

no difference . in fact a GW shop can sometimes exists even if it isnt bringing much profit , but is needed for some time . A FLGS will just die , so it wants sells even more . On a friend level FLGS maybe better , but buissness wise there is no difference between a GW and FLGS , vets have too many models and dont buy enough to be the primary customer .

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I don't shop at GW stores, but rather at an independent reseller

no difference . in fact a GW shop can sometimes exists even if it isnt bringing much profit , but is needed for some time . A FLGS will just die , so it wants sells even more . On a friend level FLGS maybe better , but buissness wise there is no difference between a GW and FLGS , vets have too many models and dont buy enough to be the primary customer .


I guess all I can say at this point is that my experience has been different than yours.

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