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Calling all Battle Brothers and Sisters!


I need your help!!

I am going to the Kill team event in April at Nottingham (WHW)


I am currently struggling on deciding on my list, I Went to the 1st Kill Team event in April and took 5 Sternguard and a RazorBack (ML and PowerWeapon on SG).


I have changed my list for this one, but cant decide.....


Lists are:


1 Techmarine with Servo Harness - 75pts

6 Scouts, 5 snipers and one Missile Launcher, Cloaks and Melta Bombs. - 121pts


(used in the first kill team event)

5 Sternguard, Missile Launcher and whatever for 15pts.. - 145pts

Razorback - Heavy bolter turret. - 55pts



I had a second list which was:


1 techmarine with Servo Harness - 75pts

5 Sternguard and no upgrades - 125pts



But realised i cant take that due to the rules, I can only take 1 elite, 2 troops and 1 fast attack.



Reason I choose Scouts is that this time round they are using the Night Fighting rule, so when that is in play my scouts will get a really good cover save I.E. sat in a building will be a 2+/3+ depending on distance from emeny (will either benefit from stealth Rule or Srouded Rule)


This would be good tactically, to lure the emeny closer and then my Techmarine destroy them with a normal attack and 2 PF attacks.



I was also thinking about dropping the cloaks and buying a power weapon for the Techmarine.



Welcome to all your ideas, and if you think you have a 200pts list that will work better then let me know!,

All the help appreciated.



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First, let me say that I actually like techmarines. I think their fluff and look is very cool. So it pains me to say that I'm just not so sure that they are worth taking for kill team.


Bolster Defenses should still work for KT so between Bolster, Camo Cloaks, and Shrouding from Night Fight, you should have fairly survivable troops from conventional attacks.


Here is the problem with all of that cover-boosting stuff thought: Considering how popular Sternguard are in Kill Team missions, you're quite likely to run into at least one opponent who takes them, and in this matchup, you are likely to be at a disadvantage since the sternguard will use Dragonfire bolts to negate your big cover save and force you to take saves with your 4+ armor instead. Anyone who has used scouts knows that a 4+ armor scout can and will disappear in a hurry. This, paired with the fact that they are hitting you with better BS and will likely have a cover save against those rending shots that you DO manage to get, and you're looking a pretty quick game.


The techmarine himself should be a tough model for your opponent to remove from the table with his 2+ save and that artificer armor will also keep him safe from most KT power weapons because most people with power weapons should be running swords, spears, claws, or similar weapons in order to maintain their initiative and those are all AP:3 or worse. Unfortunately, because he only has one base attack and points are tight in KT anyway, adding a power weapon to him is not really worth it IMO. My real problem with him though is the fact that he has a very short effective range and he's not very mobile meaning that for the first several turns, you're not getting the most out if him until he gets in close to use his harness weapons and/or his servo arm attacks. Plus, at 75 points (90 if you add a PW too) you'd be much better off getting a Landspeeder instead.


If you went with a Landspeeder, you could add Shrouding for the increase in survivablity. Shrouding + Jink means a perpetual 3+ Cover save if you move AT ALL and with a LS being Fast, you can fire all of your weapons while you move anyway, so there's no reason that you shouldn't be zipping all over the place delivering death by the bucket load. For good speeders close to 75 points, I'd look at either a double Heavy Bolter setup for maximium dakka, or a double Multimelta for both anti armor and quality heavy infantry killing power. Nothing says "I hate you" to infantry like two S8 AP1 shots to the face (or better yet, flank in behind them to negate their cover saves and really make your shots count). If the 2x MM is too much, you could always compromise with a HB/MM speeder which suffers a bit from lack of focus, but makes up for it in flexablity.


For costlier Landspeeders that would stack up in price to your PW/Harness techmarine, either the HB/Assault Cannon version, or the Typhoon are both quite good, but start to push it for points in such a small game IMO. I just feel that the Landspeeder will give you a much more flexible, survivable, and killy option than the techmarine ever could.


So there it is: in my opinion, you can use a techmarine, and there are some cool advanatges, but there are really better options out there for competitive play.


For your Scouts, I'd probably go with a mix of bolters and snipers. Snipers are decent, but bolters are better at skirmishing, allowing you to move around a bit more. Your sergeant should probably either get a Combi-Plasma, or a power weapon (to counter-charge anyone who gets too close to the rest of your scouts). Don't use him like an assault tank because you won't last in assault. The best you can hope for is mutually assured destruction.


Hope this helps.

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