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Lord Murin One-Eye, Plaguemaster of the Sons of Anarch, Scou


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May I present to you:

Lord Murin One-Eye, Plaguemaster of the Sons of Anarch, Scourge of Turatta Prime


I built a diorama base for him inspired by the helmet crushed in his power fist


The power fist is supposed to be on the other arm so i had to cut off the thumb and pin a new one on the other side.


My favourite little conversion i did though was his eye piece, i realised that all my guys with skaven heads have no bionics or anything so i cut this one to fit (SOOO fiddly) and then i added the wires going back along his head and shoulders into his back pack. sorry that the picture isn't so great. i couldn't focus so well up close.


Lastly two of my favourite bits from the diorama base;

The Dark angels severed spine


And of course the Quarantine Sign


I'm really pleased with how he turned out and i've made him the overlord of my army, any comments welcome.

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