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What can i do with this zombie rat thing?


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so a friend of mine just sent me this monstrosity




It hasn't arrived yet so i havent had a chance to take a proper look at it but im trying to work ot what i can use it for. my plague marine army is rat themed so i think it could make for an awesome model but a model of what? i was thinking maybe a paladin for a sorcerer, what do you guys think? 

(btw the rider comes off.)

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Nice friend you have. It's a model of a character from the Redeemer graphic novel (iirc he's named the Caller). Anyhoo, I;d convert it into a daemon engine, personally. Which daemon engine would be entirely up to you, really. 

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If I recall correctly it is much too small to be a Daemon Engine for TLOS purposes. Unless of course you and your buddies don't care about that kind of thing at all (in which case, good on you :) ).


I think the obvious use for it is as a Chaos Spawn, which seems to me to be a pretty good fit rules-wise as well. It's perhaps a tad big but I don't think anyone would mind. The palanquin idea sounds good to me as well.

If you usedaemonic allies it would be a good stand-in for a beast of Nurgle as well.


Alternatively you might use it as a CC-kitted Helbrute but I'm not sure if it's a great fit.

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If I recall correctly it is much too small to be a Daemon Engine for TLOS purposes. 


How about beefing it up with armour plating? It can't be that hard...

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