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hi all


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Hi All,


just thought I'd best intro myself here :)


I'm a UK hobbyist who's recently returned to the fold from a number of years away.  I'm building everything up from scratch but have a sizeable (and so far pretty much unpainted) force!


I looked into armies and decided to go down the GK route.  Afetr buying 2 termie boxes, 2 GKSS  boxes and with the help of ebay the rogue-trader era terminator captain (for my inquisitor) the dark vengeance box was announced.


Anyway, cutting a long story short, Dark Angels now provide my main force and I'm bulding up a full company with the support of circa 3000 points of deatchwing and roughly the same of Ravenwing.


My main interest is modelling and coverting / kit-bashing but ive started to play a few games and enjoy this too.


I'll be sure to put some army pics up at some point and will get around to showing my WIPs as I go.


But, seeing s I have bought a full company (excluding assault marines) I have a LONG way to go!


Best get cracking.....

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