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Best Force Weapon


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Personally I really like Force staves, both for image and fluff (they used to fight with ceremonial staffs).  But i always hear they are the worst option.  In my personal opinion they are pretty solid since most of what they'll be fighting are either a)characters with an invuln where AP really just lowers their save and not huge, or b) huge crazy things where str 6 is pretty fricken essential.  But I've seen most others favor force axes.  with the instakill option you only need one wound to get through so it's really just a matter of taste.  Either way I'd always take the meltabombs too since the squad needs the insurance since normal Ksons have forgotten how to use grenades.

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Normal thousand sons can rip most any tank in the game apart with their bare hands after boltering it up the arse, though. ;)


Personally I run one Sorcerer with a sword and the other with a staff and the staff tends to perform better in challenges.

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I usually go for force axes(well, force glaives/halberds) and melta bombs on my aspiring sorcerers. They have a really good invurneable save so they have a shot at surviving powered attacks in their challenges, while packing quite a punch even to terminator/artifice/weave armoured foes when it's their turn.


They are also some of the few characters that have a lot of usage for the gift of mutation(FnP works against perils and +1BS works with their psychic powers, for instance)...and besides, it's almost their only upgrade so... 

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Axes are better than swords. Maces are better than swords.


Swords are only really good against basic MEqs. *shrug* Against Eldar, you're striking last anyway so you may as well go with an axe and wound on a 2+.

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