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Starting an Ahriman cult


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Hey, i just started a thousand sons army. I have Ahriman, a sorcerer, and two squads of rubric marines. I was wondering other suggestions for my army that would fit with thousand sons fluff. I'm not really trying to make this tournament competitive just friendly games. Thanks!

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Some Disk Riders (Raptors/Warp Talon/Bikers). Just find a good disk to stick Rubric Marines on. Not sure if Spawns would be fluffy. And there are always Tzeentch Daemons. New codex out this Saturday. Seems like a couple of 20 Horror squads would fill the elitist army out.
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Guest Vortex

Well as far as fluff goes, for one, I'd say Cultists. Many Thousand Sons Sorcerers are known for their truck with underground cults and secret societies. Personally I do think some of the models don't exactly fit the look of what I imagine Tzeentchian Cultists to be terribly well - in general I think of something more gaunt, hooded/robed, and possibly even tentacled - but they'd certainly do.


Thousand Sons still technically have Terminators as well if I remember correctly, so they're not out of the question, especially if they're modelled with Rubric Marine heads. I even remember once seeing specific rules for something like that in an Apocalypse datasheet.


And I don't remember where I read it, but I'm sure Sorcerers play a prominent role in binding Daemons to machines (though I'm not really sure how relevant that is anymore to fluff with the advent of Warpsmiths), so pretty much any Daemon Engine is perfectly fair game to include fluff-wise.



Some allied Daemons of Tzeentch would also be an option according as you want them or not.

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Alright thanks for the ideas!, i have been thinking about doing that with terminators and i was wondering that about the daemon engines i might need them so that i actually have anti tank.

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I use Sorcerer conversions as Obliterators, although technically they should be Terminator Sorcerers (I just haven't gotten around to it yet and I built the sorcerers because I had bits and wanted to build!).


Daemon Engines are good for fluffy Tzeentch, allies are good (we can manipulate anything.... Warp Talons are fluffy but cack. heh.

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Don't want to hijack your thread, but didn't want to start a new one either. Ahriman has a fixed warlord trait. Infiltrates D3 Infantry. Can that effect allies? I'm thinking a Tzeentch Herald with Horrors. Herald would have the Portalglyph though. Get it mid-field, and keep generating horror squads. . .


Back on subject though. I'm running Ahriman with 3 Sorcerers (Obliterators). My plan is to infiltrate mid-filed again. Thr number of shots both get, and flexability seem really good. And 2+/4++ bodyguard for Ahriman.


Also had a brieft thought about Fateweaver (New Dex) for allied HQ. What's better than a level 4 psyker? How about three! I counted Fateweaver twice because he has two heads. . .

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He can do it with Tzeentch DAemon allies, sure. Just not Distrusted Allies.


The Portaglyph is really fragile though, and the Horrors squads have a good chance of granting the enemy Feel no Pain. Whether that's just characters or it affects squads or not, I don't know.

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It looks like it can be flat. Bare in mind that it scatters 4d6 inches in a random direction when you place it, so it is fairly unlikely to end up behind cover.


I guess you may have some games with no enemy flyers, when it gets to produce a couple of micro units. 

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I play against necrons and tau alot so I don't think I'll be using a whole lot of vehicles because of how easily they seem to die. I probably will be picking up a heldrake and forgefiend though.
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One side note on pink horrors: because their shooting power is now a manifested psychic power that shoots from the nearest model to the target you only need one in LoS with the rest completely hidden. That way any return fire can only be resolved on that one model who if/when it dies is replaced by the next one who takes over shooting duties. Obviously this can all be circumvented by the enemy getting into better firing positions to take out more pink horrors but if hidden well they become an excellent objective holding unit.


In addition you give them a herald who takes divination and then watch as you curse enemy units to have to re-roll successful cover saves against your inferno bolter wielding rubric marines.


Oh and not to mention the screamers of Tzeentch winging overhead chewing up anything armoured or with a 2+

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