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where to go from here...

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A friend of mine is moving and is selling some Blood Angels still on sprues for quite a good price. It includes, 10 assault marines, 5 assault terminators, 5 death company, 5 sanguinary guards, a baal predator and a stormraven. The first things on my buy list to bring it up to a full force are another 10 assault marines and I think a Librarian for the HQ. Can anyone give some reccomendations on how to buld what I have and what to get next? I'd like to have 1500-2,000 points worth eventtually.


Also.... first post!

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welcome brother msn-wink.gif

Your plan to add 10 ASM and a libby is exactly right.

I would also suggest buying another box of death company, you want more than 5 and they have a lot of BA-bling bits you can use for all models. If you want to be competitive, you also need a Mephiston model, and I would suggest some sort of dreadnought (furioso with frag cannon or DC in the stormraven).

Then you have a lot of options, depending on what you like. Attack bikes are very nice, maybe a second baal predator, or devastators for long-range support. A second stormraven also never hurts, but that's really not friendly anymore smile.png

edit:/ oh and of course you need to build at least one sanguinary priest with power axe and jump pack!

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You can be competitive without Mephiston (I like to think I manage, anyway), but he certainly helps a lot. Some flavour of librarian is almost certainly a must, though, as they're by a mile our best HQs (folding Mephy into the discussion here). You can field a legal army with what you have, but more assault marines is definitely a good start. I'd also try and find some meltaguns (bitz sites, I believe GW still sells them if you struggle to find them elsewhere) and run an assault squad with 2 of those. Prevailing opinion is that plasma is generally a better special weapon option this edition, but assault squads are a special case amongst marines in that you want the assault weapon so you can charge afterwards. Melta-ing open a transport and charging the remains can be filthy. Some players run 2 dual-melta squads, I run a dual melta and a dual-flamer squad to have a more balanced list (and when I played against Orks on Wednesday, I was very glad!)


Its also worth considering whether you want to run death company. If you don't, then buy 1 more box of death company, and use your 2 boxes plus your 10 assault marines and play mix-and-match to get 20 awesome, BA-looking assault marines. Save the bolters for tricking out tactical squads.


Baal predator, storm raven, 20 assault marines, librarian, 5 assault terminators and 5 sanguinary guard should put you (depending on how you outfit things) at somewhere between 1300-1400 points as a ball park figure, so its looking pretty good!

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as plasma goes . while it is true that with melta you can charge and with plasma you cant , at least this edition you dont want to charge every time , there are too many better melee marines and with the FC nerf it is sometimes better to double tap someone and wait for his charge huging cover[with possible SP giving fnp] then try to deal with GH or csm in melee.

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The main probleme for me here would be that the other player will not charge, but shoot back with real double-tapping firepower (i.e. bolters). I still feel you would be better off playing tactical squads if you want to play such a style.

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nope , because jump packs means you get in to double tap range before you and it is easier to bullet bend [and kill your opponent plasmagunners/sgts/etc] when you have a 12" movement range . tactical will give me one less special , one hvy more , but am going to be playing gunline with a dex which isnt doing gunline good in this edition. if one would want to spam tacs going normal sm or da is better.

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Welcome to the B+C and the Blood Angels. 

You definelty want another scoring unit, so more assault marines are good.  If you intend to use the SAnguinary Guard a lot consider adding Dante to make them troops.


I'd also beef up the DC.

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