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Working with brass chain.


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Hello, I'm currently working on a Reclusiarch for my Blood Angels force, and got myself a length of 1.5mm brass chain to use for jump pack straps/general decorations.


Are there any modellers here who have experience working with this type of thing?


No resin or white metal parts are involved, so it would just be chain and polystyrene. My main concern is getting it to secure firmly to the model, without destroying any details, or leaving large blobs of glue all over. Uneven surfaces are a given here.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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One way to do it neatly while making it look like the chain is actually attached to the model, is to drill two small holes next to each other in the model, bend a bit of copper wire into a U-shape to fit, and hook the chain through that. Superglue the copper wire to the model, and you won't have unsightly blobs of glue but it should be sturdy enough that the chain would need to be broken to get it off the model. Once it's in place you can also make the whole thing rigid with more superglue, but you'd have to take care that the glue doesn't show too much.


One thing to beware of with brass chain is that some types you can buy may be oily, because they're intended for working models. If you're going to paint it, it's best to degrease it thoroughly before adding it to a model.


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