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Basic rules question


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I am new and trying to understand this awesome game

I am working though the DV set and I came across somthing


I was playing and squad Raphael hit  Kranon with 5 hits

Do i roll 5 dice to see how many wounds he has or does one invulnerable save cover them all?


Someone really helped me out the invul saves i am just wondering about multiple hits on a single unit


Sorry if this is too simplisitic I sometimes make mountians out of mole hills




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Ok... Now no condescension intended but here's the basics:


You roll 1 to-hit die per shot/attack, what you require depends on the ballistic skill of your model when shooting or the comparative weapon skills that your and your opponents models have on their profiles when in combat.


You take the hits and roll 1 to-wound die per hit scored, what you require depends on the strength of your model(or his weapon) compared to the toughness of your opponents model


Your opponent then follows the wound allocation mechanic.


Once a model has 1 (or more) wounds allocated to it, your opponent rolls 1 save die per wound suffered.


An invulnerable save is required if it is better than the models armour save, or if the armour save is ignored due to armour penetration. Other than that it is treated as any other save.




You attack with 3 S7 AP 2 attacks and 6 S4 AP 5 shooting attacks.


You are using space marines (BS4) so need 3+ to hit.


You score 4 S4 hits and 2 S7 hits.


You are attacking a chaos lord (in your example, he had T4) so the S7 needs 2+ to wound, the S4 needs 4+ to wound.


You score 2 S4 wounds and 2 S7 wounds


The Lord has a 3+ armour save and a 5+ invulnerable save. The 2 S4 wounds will be saved on a 3+ (let's say he fails 1 and takes a wound) The S7 have AP2 which is good enough to ignore his armour save, forcing him to take 2 invulnerable saves of 5+ (let's say that again, he fails 1 and takes a 2nd wound)


Hope this makes sense.


However the best advice anyone can give is simply to read the rule book and practice with a few models at home until you get it.

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