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Loyalist Iron Warriors

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 After reading "Age of Darkness, The Iron Within" As a Dark Angel player I cant help but have a sympathetic idea about the 30K Loyalist Iron Warriors.


My question to this forum is; How can I implement a Loyalist Iron Warrior Allie into a 30K Dark Angel HH army?


I am thinking they may be more Mech/Adaptus oriented but I am not really sure.


Any input will appreciated.

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fluffwize u cant, the whole legion went to the dark side. (and gamewize u cant bc sm cant take csm's as allies). Ahhh missed the 30k part...wouldnt 30k loyalist IW's pretty much be IH's . do IH's have special rulez or a special character u could take as  a contingent of in ur DA army ?

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Fluff-wise I dissagree with Chillin.

There is nothing in the fluff stopping you from stating that a band of 30-50 Iron Warriors refused to fight the Emperor etc., You might state that these were a partial company fortifying a conquered world near the rim of the galaxy or blah blah. Use your immagination. As long as you dont create fluff that directly crashes with the established "fluff" (not that its a crime) no one would even rise an eye brow.

But sure, as far as everyone knows, the entire Legion fought with their Primarch against the Emprah. But again, as I said, they were spread alll over guarding various planets, so create your own narrative (not that hard surely?) and create a reason for these sons of sore bitches to still serve the rotten carcass of the so called "Emperor" msn-wink.gif

Good luck!

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iirc, IW were posted and attached to many many different expedition forces because they were THE best siege troops (this partly led to their downfall as they were shifted towards garrison duties and used in small contigencies until the Olympia Uprising) so it wouldn't be in the realms of implausibility to have a DA/IW force. aside from nehekhare's suggestion, i don't know how you'd use show an alliance like this though unless you just have a mini force alongside your main and paint the squads in their respective legion colours. 

IW are majorly different to IH. IH have always had an affinity for technology as their primarch did, and even before the heresy loved their bionic parts on show, plus they have always been clan based as opposed to the more traditional elements of chapters/legions (and not to mention strength through adversity). IW aren't necessarily so tech-loving, they just use it as a tool as a means to an end (better breach their targets, servo-arms to rebuild their siege engines and smash apart enemy defences). they are the masters of siege above all else and this is why they were broken down into smaller units than other legions (to lend their expertise). i do agree with chillin though,  there should be legion specific rules/characters and ways to tie them all together, but we'll see what happens at each book. 

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I'm sure there is a short story about an IW fortress built upside-down from the roof of a cave where the small contingent of IW refused to believe that their chapter had turned traitor. They defended the fortress to the last man against fellow IW and I think they destroyed it in the end rather than let the 'enemy' take it.


Hope someone else can back me up on this. (or is that the story the OP was referring to?)

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yeah that is the iron within.


btw IW are extremely tech-versatile (from Lexicanum):

Even before being reunited with their primarch, Perturabo, the Iron
Warriors were known for an affinity with technology and the clinical
application of logic to military problems. This affinity was channeled
by Perturabo, a skilled practitioner of siegecraft, into the mastery of
that form of warfare. These abilities were increased by cross-training
with the Adeptus Mechancus. Their Warsmiths could match skills with Magi

and it is said that Perturabo could beat any and all in the art of machine engineering.

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My question to this forum is; How can I implement a Loyalist Iron Warrior Allie into a 30K Dark Angel HH army?

Well, if you're using the 'Betrayal' pre-Heresy list there is little to differentiate legions from each other, given that all Legions use the same list. The only major differences are the special signature units like Justaerin and such but unfortunately, until the IW are explicitly covered, there is no such option yet.


In my view there is little you can do even if you make self-imposed restrictions to your selection. Just do an appropriate paint job and everything will be alright! :)

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That's from the Legion army list in Forgeworld's Horus Heresy I: Betrayal.


Siege Breaker is an upgrade for centurions (2wound marine HQ), granting them and the unit they're with to reroll armor penetration.


Ordo Reductor are the Mechanicum's Siege specialists. They get an HQ character, Thallax Servitors as troops and lots of tanks in HH and can be allied to a Legion force.  

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Thanks for the input, much appreciated.


Now I need to start-off on this project.


Starting on one HQ and Tac Sqd what would be the best set-up/visuals, and using FW armor what MK would be best.

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MkIII "iron armor" definately. IW are known to favor the hulking, dreadful design (the heads from the IW conversion set are actually MKIII with horns).


Maybe get a cataphractii pattern Terminator armor for the Centurion. Looks archaic and regal, fitting for olympian nobility (and upgrade the inv save to 4++).


btw, if you play by the HH list, put the siege breaker in a heavy support unit to make the most of his abilities. But even in a chaos list, autocannon havocs are a good choice. FW has nice weapon sets for those to upgrade MKIII armor.


after that, get artillery ;)

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MkIII would probably the signature armor but some MkII and MkIV would also be fine.  Depending on how you want to develop your fluff, use more MkII if they were away from the expedition fleet and use more MkIV if they were with an expeditions fleet.

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