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Sisters of battle in tda

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Since its not in the wd codex (obviously) i was wondering what allied marine detachment would be best suited to model sisters in tda armour. (I was thinking about Spacewolves due to various weapon options.)


Models would be similar looking to:



Which seems perfectly suited to represent Sisters in Tda imho.

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I'm not sure about Space Wolves.

The SoB seem to be a rather standardised force, much more like codex chapters than the barking mad individualists of the SW.


I would say that Codex marines, Blood Angels, or Grey Knights would fit better thematically, leaving everything else down to which playstyle you like better of the three.

well, first you need to think of, I think, is do you need that many options? What weapons would you like to give to your TDA sisters? If it turns our you don't need all those options, you might as well go with whatever terminator armour style you think fits best shape-wise.


Also, when I look at the picture you supplied, it looks more like a sister in space marine tactical armour. Just really oversized power armour instead of actual TDA shoulder plates and chestpiece (the chestpiece mainly for the stuff that comes up behind their heads). Something for you to think about :)

I say abandon the idea of Sisters in terminator armour. We don't need no stinking terminator armour. We have Aspiriate Cloaks, Storm Shields and Rosarii.


Rules wise, I would go for the Wolf Guard or Deathwing, however.


Deathwing Knights with their shields and maces would make a good rule set for a unit of Sisters with the aforementioned cloaks and storm shields, while being very cool and kind of matching the imagery of that model you linked.


Wolf Guard provide the customisability you might want, along with Cyclones, which are just cool. ^^; Wolf Guard mean that your Sisters could have pretty much any mix of equipment, representing a warband or even different order minoris sects who practice certain styles of war.

I don't know.  Other than the large shoulder pads, it really does not say TDA to me.  Cool model, though.  Maybe add a jump pack or even some wings and use it as a Living Saint?  I wonder how the back looks and what sort of powerpack would work best.  Maybe if they get new rules you could make a rocking close combat Canoness out of her -- that is wishfl thinking and a long ways off.  But if it were me, I would make a Saint out of her.

Space Wolves would indeed afford you more flexibility; I wouldn't recommend GK, because their terminators are all psykers, which Sisters don't really abide by. <3 The Ecclesiarchy frowns upon that sort of thing, so there's really no way they'd equip a unit of psykers with terminator armor, which is extremely rare and expensive.


Here follows some fluff, if it's of interest to you: I actually asked this very question (Sisters and TDA) a while ago, here and over on Amicus...whether or not Sisters could wear terminator armor (i.e. was there any biological barrier) and once we determined they could wear it, I then posed the question "Why don't they?" The short answer is, terminator armor is ancient, powerful, extremely valuable, and every single suit lies within the claims of one or more Space Marine chapters. If an Ecclesiarchy force ran across some TDA, they would hand it over to Ad Mech or their local SM chapter just to stay out of the "Who owns this" arguments. Inquisitors can get their hands on TDA at times, because they answer to no one but the Emperor, and at times you might make the case that they have the resources and connections necessary to avoid or negotiate away claims on whatever equipment they obtain. A unit of Sisters in TDA is pretty high profile; it'd probably net some ire.


That said, the prototype you put up there looks cool, and it seems like it's a project you're passionate about, so enjoy. :)

I'm not saying that the multiple options are characterful, just that you could take advantage of them to make the squad into basically whatever you want.

Well...they are characterful. :) All of those options would allow all sorts of character-centric customization across models. And, if it did come to pass that a unit of Sisters was allowed to don holy Terminator armor, they wouldn't be just rank'n'file Sisters. They'd be title and rank bearing; "Terminator Honors" are a huge deal in a Space Marine chapter. It'd be an even bigger deal for Sisters as just getting that much armor and being permitted to use it is huge. (Makes me wonder what your Order dug up and handed over to Ad Mech.)

I was reffereing to the wider range of options in one squad, disregard codex background in this case.


I understood the question as, "if Sisters wore TDA, which codex would best represent that?" If you're ignoring background and are more focused on tabletop performance, then the question is no different than, "Which codex is best to ally with Sisters of Battle if I want to use Terminator squads?"


Which is it that you're going for here? Terminator squads that would fit an Ecclesiarchal/"Battle Nuns" theme, or Terminator squads that would be most effective in supporting a Sisters of Battle army on the table?

Rules wise, I would go with GK.  Not because sisters are psykers (call it divine intervention, or something) but because they are especially good at killing psykers and daemons, and because they get troops terminators without any special characters.

The only problem you'll run into here is that anti-psyker weaponry and powers will affect these "not psychic Sisters" precisely the way that they affect psykers. Also, other than the slightly higher Deny the Witch roll, GK terminators don't get anything especially useful against psykers. The codex offers other anti-psyker stuff (Inquisitor with null rod, Culexus assassin, grenades and missiles) but it's not for their general Termies.

I agree, the Ladies don't need TDA, but it night be sweet to have a character that was so boss as to gain Terminator Honors.

Stay away from GK, psykers = purge, and all.

Having said they don't need termies, If I were to model some, I would use Deathwing Knights. They fit the physical theme perfectly.


I actually purged some Deathwing the other day for spending too much time "secretly" hunting down their fallen brethren and dragged the Relic (their intentended Fallen) back to my place for BBQ.

I managed one that worked surprisingly well (I know, I know, but I was young once!).


Take: One Assault on Black Reach terminator sergeant, one bare Sisters head from an Exorcist kit, and one Terminator heavy flamer stolen from a sibling who plays Space Marines in various flavours.


Swap the storm bolter for the heavy flamer and carefully carve out the terminator's head cavity until you can sit the Sister head just inside the neck ring. The head is a little big, but it doesn't look too bad considering so are the bare Space Marine heads!

I've got several of those sister heads, for such an  intention. I've been working with over-sized shoulders and space marine power armor arms set far below the standrd junctures (so she doesn't look like she's huuuuuuuuge) but it's really not going to work with GK TDA, despite my efforts.


Maybe I could just bulk up power armor, but...gah. It can't hurt to try your method. I'm sure I can find an unloved black reach terminator somewhere.

The problem with the GK terminators is that the head is very much on top of the shoulders - with standard TDA you've got a krogan-style 'hump' that helps overshadow the head and shrink the person wearing the suit's apparent size.

Yea, it's just not workable. I really don't like the results, sadly. I'll have to dig the Internet to find a suitable candidate for conversion. Or maybe win a small lotto and commission a professional sculptor, because that's perhaps more likely. Anyway. <3 haha

What about using Forge World's Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex as a conversion base? If you sculpted the Inquisition symbols into Ministorum symbols that would be the minimum you would need, because Hector has long hair and a rebreather. Or just swap the head entirely for one from a Canoness model.

If you want a Canoness in TDA bad enough a jeweler's saw would pop her head right off. There are, of course, less expensive ways to get a female head for conversions. But if you're carving up a Canoness for her head, then there are probably other useful bits for conversion if you decide to go for a more complete dissection...

The head's not the issue, Max. :) I actually have a Canoness model to carve the sconce off of her backpack. The issue is the body, which just looks silly with anything other than a weirdly wide gene-mod freak like a Space Marine inside it. I need some beefy armored woman...one that's not scantily clad (which is super hard to find).


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