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1+ FnP?

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FnP rolls *aren't* saving throws, are they?


So aren't bound by;



Some models gain additional benefits from rules that may
increase any of thier saves by +l or +2 or even more. However,
no save (armour, cover or invulnerable) can ever be
improved beyond 2+. Regardless of what is giving the model
its save, a roll of I always fails.


The new Warpflame property in the new Chaos Daemons 'dex can grant a unit a +1 to any FnP rolls (if the unit already has the FnP Special Rule).


Let's assume that this +1 doesn't stack, there is at least one mini in the game that comes to mind with a natural 2+ FnP (I think Corbulo from the Blood Angels, and there's probably others).


If he was to recive the +1 to all FnP rolls, he would automatically pass ever FnP roll he had to make.


As long as the wound doesn't inflict Instant Death, he would be pratically invulnerable.


Now, if the +1 stacked with itself, that just leads to other units getting 1+ FnP 'saves'.


If this is all correct, I expect a FAQ asap. lol.

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I could be wrong (don't have rulebook page to cite) but I believe that there is ruling stating that a roll of a 1 is always a fail no matter what is being rolled. I know there are exceptions to that rule (leadership, etc.), and that there are some rolls (initiative checks, etc.) that have a 6 always fails, but I strongly believe that FNP will always fail on a 1.

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A 6 is always a fail, and a 1 is always a pass for Characteristic Tests.



Indeed, a roll of a 1 on anything except an ability test is a fail


Haven't noticed that yet.  Where in the BRB is this mentioned?


Edit: Can't see it anywhere in the 'Basic' section, and it's not part of the 'Advanced' FnP rule.


Both the To-hit and To-wound rolls specify that they are 2+ minimum, and a 1 fails.

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"A model will sometimes be called upon to take a characteristic test. Such a test can be applied against any characteristic that the models has, except for Leadership and Armor Save."


"When taking a characteristic test, a dice roll of 6 is always a failure, and a dice roll of 1 is always a success."


This tells us that the only characteristic tests are WS - A and that's it. Ld, Sv, and anything else are not characteristic tests. Therefore, the rule of natural 1 or 6 doesn't apply.



"When rolling To Wound, there is no such thing as an automatic Wound and a roll of a 1 always fails."


So with wounding, a 1 is always a failure. 6's don't always pass.



"However, no save (armor, cover, or invulnerable) can ever be improved beyond a 2+. Regardless of what is giving the model its save, a roll of 1 always fails."


So with any save (feel no pain is not a save), a 1 is always a failure. 6's don't always pass.




"If a unit has the Feel No Pain special rule with a number in brackets afterwards, then the number in brackets is the D6 result needed to discount the wound."


- Feel No Pain (5+) would need a 5 or higher to discount the wound.

- Feel No Pain (1+) wound need a 1 or higher to discount the wound.


I can find no other rules in the book about it. Even if my above example is incorrect, if you have FNP (5+) and receive a +4 to your FNP roll because of Warpflame or other such modifier, it will always pass. As if Daemons needed another nerf, right?

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