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Rampant Lions

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Greetings brothers,

I was hoping that someone would be able to point me in the right direction, my chapter symbol will be a red lion rampant and I was hoping to obtain some decals that depict this symbol. Does anyone know of a company that would sell this as a decal in sizes appropriate for the marine range (vehicles, infantry & terminators) or alternatively of a company that would manufacture custom decals to order.

Also is anyone aware of any modelling parts that are lion related that could prove useful in adding theme to my army?

Thank you in advance.

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There are quite a few lion images in the style I believe you're looking for in the Warhammer Bretonnian range, might be worth looking into. Not sure how the mods would take posting of pics in this case so I'll provide links as well in case the pics need to be removed.





Check out the fella in the bottom right on this one, crests on both his helm and horse and shield as well:




Empire and High Elves also make some use of lion imagery so could also be a good place to start plundering.

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