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I am new to the tabletop 40k stuff, and I am trying to stay as close to WYSIWYG as possible.  My question is in regards to regular CSM squads, and how this rule applies to their boltgun/CSW/bolt pistol options.  


Regardless of how effective/useful the setup is, i would like to have all of my CSM squads with all three options: boltgun/CSW/bolt pistol.  Now the WYSIWYG rule is pretty self explanatory, but does it apply more to the "you cant count a heavy bolter as a heavy flamer" or does it go as far as to say if I want my CSM to have all three options each model has to have all 3 options modeled on to it?


Any input is appreciated!



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WYSIWYG is really, really over complicated in peoples minds at times. What it boils down to is this: what they have needs to be obvious. Now, in C:CSM you have to upgrade the whole unit, so if you have a sprinkling of pistols in the unit, it should be obvious to most people.


The problem is that WYSIWYG isnt really a rule book rule, and some TOs will interpret it differently than others. For best results contact your local play group and keep reasonable nature at the forefront of your encounters.

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In this particular case people might be quiet understanding if the models don't have the correct equipment on them (save for Heavy and Special weapons of course). We are talking about a unit who have seen changes to these options in each and every codex they have ever had.


Here is a list of the different options thru the years (starting in 2nd edition):


- 2nd edition codex: Have Bolt Pistols, may buy Bolters

- 3rd edition codex #1: Have Bolters or Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons

- 3rd edition codex #2: May have Close Combat Weapons and either Bolters or Bolt Pistols

- 4th edition codex: Have Bolters, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons

- 6th edition codx: Have Bolters and Bolt Pistols, may replace Bolters with Close Combat Weapons or have all 3 at a points cost

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With WYSIWYG, the best rule of thumb is to just be safe. Make sure all models that are upgraded clearly show those upgrades. Base equipment don't worry too much about it, like frag grenades and the like.


When you get to know your gaming group better, it'll be easier to ask if you can pretend that plasma gun is a meltagun etc.

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As a general rule of thumb, anything that is not standard equipment must be modeled, after that simply what can fit. Obviously you want to make it clear what they have, but giving them a mix and modeling a few spares here and there I'm sure you'll be fine. As long as that bolter guy doesn't also have a power sword you didn't model.

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